Chapter 2

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~*10 years later*~

*3rd Person POV*

Laxus entered the Fairy Tail guild with a large scowl on his face as he made his way to the S-Class Section. Only to halt when Mirajane asked "What's that look for?" His scowl deepened as he said "On my way here a woman ran into me, and left without apologizing." "What did she look like?" Mirajane asked. "All I saw was that she wore paint splattered overalls" he said his scowl even bigger. Mirajane laughed and said "That would be Y/N. She and her cousin C/N moved here about a year and a half ago. They bought the old Stormy Rose Tavern."

Suddenly he was at the bar as he demanded "Tell me everything you know." "While C/N and a few others go on missions Y/N stays behind to work on the tavern with those who haven't left yet" Mira answered. "So she joined another guild?" he demanded his scowl returning. Mira shook her head and said "Y/N hasn't ever been in a guild as far as I've heard. But the Briar Rose isn't a legitimate guild. While C/N's on missions, Y/N works along side all the dark and light guilds. The Briar Rose provides specific weather conditions on certain days in certain areas. For instance if there's a request for rain on one of our boards, Makarov takes it to Y/N and C/N takes care of it."

He met her gaze with a harsh glare as he disgustedly said "So Gramps does charity work as well?" Once again she shook her head and said "C/N is an adept business woman. The profits are split 70-50, with each receiving 50% while the mage who handled the job receives 20%." "How many members?" he demanded. "Besides C/N there are a total of 8 active members. 2 for each season" she answered. "Then what does Y/N do?" he demanded softly. She raised a brow and said "As far as anyone knows Y/N possesses no magical capability and is just restoring the old Tavern." Then Mirajane left leaving Laxus scowling into thin air.

~*A Few Days Later*~

*Laxus's POV*

I sat up in the S-Class Section my feet up on a table, my hands behind my head as I watched the guild members down below me. I watched them scoffing at their pathetic behavior. Carefully I reached into my pocket and pulled out a locket, the 4 charms that hung from it making a small tinkling noise. I held it in m palm as I gently touched the repaired chain and hinge, and watched it glitter in the sunlight. Carefully I opened it and mentally sighed at the familiar things nestled within.

On each side was a single painting, one of me as a child wearing a small red t-shirt with a lightning bolt on it, the expression on my face happy as I held out a small yellow daisy flower. Tucked besides the painting was a single daisy petal. The other painting was of me as a teen standing behind a semi blushing Y/N. It was the day I had given her the locket at the exact moment I went to put it around her neck. I smirked down at both paintings and once again came to the conclusion that either someone had been spying on us, or they had been painted at her request. As I examined the paintings I smiled at the following memory.


Y/N had just turned 15 and we were sitting underneath a willow tree near her home. I was listening to my Classic Rock and Roll while he admired the gift around her neck. I smiled as I watched her run her fingers over the hearts edge, and carefully touch each charm. It had taken me several years to pay of the custom piece but her reaction was worth every jewel. I was so intent on watching her admire it that I almost missed her calling my name. "Laxus?" she said.

I pushed down my headphones so that they hung down around my neck before I asked "Yes lightning bug?" Her question was quiet and her voice shy as she asked "What's this kissing thing every one's talking about?" My face heated and for the first time in my life I stuttered "W-where d-d-did you hear th-that?" She rubbed her arms avoiding my gaze as she said "Cana asked me about it and I told her I didn't know what she meant and she gave me a funny look, so I thought I'd ask you since your older."

I rubbed the back of my neck hesitating between answering her question or not when it suddenly dawned on me that if I didn't she'd end up asking someone else. She tilted her head in such a way that made the ends of her hair glow. My cheeks heated even more before I said "I-I'd have to sh-show you." Her eyes sparkled and I sighed before sitting closer towards her. I slipped my hand around the back of her neck cradling the back of her skull as I said "Put your arms around me and close your eyes.

To which she did with no hesitation and I swallowed as I closed my eyes as well before pressing my lips against hers. Instinctively I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. When I pulled away I watched satisfied with the way her eyes fluttered open. She touched her lips as her e/c gaze met mine shyly. I expected this reaction, however I never expected her to breathlessly ask "Again?" Her question startled me and I laughed before pulling her into my lap.

~*Flashback end*~

The guild doors closed interrupting the flashback. I glared at the older man that entered only for my attention to snap to the woman that walked beside him. She wore a white button up shirt and a gray knee length pencil gray skirt. Her h/c hair pulled out of her face as she laughed at something the old man said. She turned allowing me to see her e/c eyes as her lips parted into a smile. Her black heels clicked on the guild's floor as she walked beside him. When the old man left I stood after stuffing the locket back into my pocket, and walked towards her. I made sure that my timing was perfect for creating a collision between the two of us.

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