Chapter 4

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~*The Next Day*~

*Reader's POV*

I was heading towards The Briar Rose the next evening when suddenly Laxus ended up joining me. We walked side by side in silence until he asked "How were you able to guess the song's so easily?" "Apparently we have the same taste in music" I answered softly. We continued for awhile before he suddenly demanded "Tell me about The Briar Rose." "The Briar Rose still has its original red brick exterior, and oven baked red tile pagoda style roof. I managed to keep both floors and its original stained glass windows, as well as the tavern doors along with its original stone columns. The only thing I did was remodel the inside to where it now possesses a guild area, kitchen, 2 bedrooms on each floor with a personal bathroom and a single office space on the top floor" I answered.

"Anything else?" he asked. I nodded and said "Because we do business with a multitude of other guilds I've also included 3 public bathrooms, 2 on the bottom floor and one on the top." We arrived at The Briar Rose and I walked up the polished oak wood steps passing between the 2 stone columns holding up the second floor and opened the tavern doors. I stepped to the side and said "Welcome to The Briar Rose." I followed him inside and saw him look around at the multitude of tables and chairs scattered across the entire floor.

"As you can see on each side are the public restrooms. Between the restrooms and the staircases is a single door that can be used for both an extra entrance, and extra exit depending on the situation. Across us on the other side of the stairs is the kitchen, which is entirely made up with state of the art floor and wall cabinets. Combined with two stoves, and four floor to ceiling pantry's with sufficient space to store food for the guild" I began to explain.

"Now on each far wall are two doors that lead to two of the four rooms The Briar Rose has. Each room containing two twin beds, two polished redwood nightstands with matching dressers and two couches. Each room has access to a personal bathroom, complete with a state of the art tub and shower, toilet and sink. Now under each staircase is a new state of the art cassette player complete with speakers here on the first floor. The loft area has the same set up as down here minus the tables. There is a single restroom, a desk, and a wall full of files" I finished.

"Seems like everything here is complete" he commented. "The Briar Rose is completely furnished. However one of my side projects is not" I said. "And what exactly is that?" he asked. I sat down at one of the tables and he did the same as I began "I own three buildings, each having nine floors. On eight of the floors are two apartments that possess two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a single living room kitchen area each. These are the Briar Rose Apartments, a retirement gift for my cousin."

"How many rooms have you completed already?" he asked. "With the help of the others secretly of course I've managed to complete all three lobbies and a total of twenty-one floors. In each building only a single floor is unfurnished" I replied. "How are the floors designed?" he asked. "As I told you the floors are separated into two apartments. But the design is the same on each floor. In each apartment there's a bedroom in each corner with a personal bathroom beside it. The kitchen and living area are positioned against the wall separating each apartment and between each bathroom" I answered.

"And how will the tenants be able to get to the higher floors?" he asked. I smiled and said "I've designed a lift that uses magic energy in a similar way as our transportation. Once a person puts on the required wristband connected to the life, a gate automatically closes to prevent accidents, and it rises between each of the bedrooms on each floor." He was silent for a moment before asking "If you've done so much work on both The Briar Rose and the apartments why are you handing it over to your cousin?" I was silent for along time before answering "C/N helped me when I needed it most and in return I took over her business until she was ready to retire."

I looked down at my watch before standing and saying "We better go or we'll be late." When all he did was give me a confused look I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

*Laxus's POV*

Her hand was warm and rough against my own as she pulled me along behind her. It was then that I noticed that underneath the paint splattered overalls she wore a black tube top. "Where are we going?" I asked. I tried to sound demanding but the closed eye smile she shot me over her shoulder made me realize just how soft my voice actually was. Her smile ended up triggering a small memory.


I had know Y/N for about a year when one day she took my hand and pulled my along ignoring my protests as we went deeper into the forest. "Y/N where are we going?" I groaned. She continued to run but turned to face me as she said "You'll see when we get there. I promise it'll be worth it." Her closed eye smile so innocent and dazzling that it made all my protests dry up. She faced forward again only for us to enter a clearing. She smiled as she led me to the ivy, and honeysuckle covered cottage and said "Welcome to my home."

Her home was surrounded by so many types of flowers. But what caught my eye was a single yellow daisy in the middle of a large group of white daisies. I went over and plucked it before handing it to her. Her answering smile was just as pretty as the flower in her hands.

~*Flashback End*~

I followed behind Y/N and remained silent. I asked myself why Y/N could be so harsh when at one time she'd been so sweet. I knew that the words I had told her all those years ago left behind a festering wound. But I had a feeling that there was something else. I shook my head when I saw three tall buildings in the distance. Each one resembled The Briar Rose only taller. We passed under a decorative arch that said Briar Rose Apartments. The warmth of her hand left mine as she rushed towards to a couple of men.

I watched her as she signed several documents and as she laughed I vowed to do all I could to fix the rift between us before my team arrived. I approached as she waved goodbye and watched her inspect all the crates around her.

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