Chapter 10

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*Laxus's POV*

I was about to activate Fairy Law only to stop when I noticed a large blast of pure lightning destroyed the Thunder Palace. I looked down only to see a familiar figure standing in the rain. When her e/c gaze met mine I suddenly understood exactly what Y/N had done. I watched in horror as my spell activated and a large blast of thunder hit her all at once. My spell surrounded her as it electrocuted her 100 times over. If it had been anyone else I would've laughed at the sound of their screams, but it was her pain I heard echoing on the wind. I watched her fall to her knees as her body contorted in pain.

When it stopped she was on her hands and knees panting for breath, something that surprised me was that she didn't even look injured. But what hurt me was the look of pure hatred in her eyes when she rose her head, and it was that look in her eyes that was my downfall.

~*Time Skip*~

I suddenly appeared at the Guild and demanded to see Gramps. Erza was about to lead the way when suddenly the doors busted open revealing a familiar h/c haired figure. Her clothing drenched and her top wet to where you could see her bra, and her gray skirt dark with water. The air around her crackled with electricity, as lightning danced on her skin.

*Reader's POV*

!Language Warning!

I stormed inside glaring at the bandaged blonde haired male. He opened his mouth only to close it when I pointed a finger at him and said "Do you have to risk everything for your stupid agenda? Did the lightning finally fry that tiny little brain of yours?!" He held up his hands in surrender and said "Now Y/N." Only for me to glare at him my hands on my hips as I said "Don't you Now Y/N me I'll bash your fucking teeth in, and bury you 6ft under. Now sit your ass down and shut it. I'm no mood to deal with your lame excuses." To everyone's surprise he sat and allowed me to rant.

"Did you forget that we are all weak, but together as a family we're strong?! You almost destroyed Magnolia and put the entire guild at risk!" I shouted as the storm outside escalated along with my mood. Steam rose from my body as the lightning on my skin crackled with heat. "You stupid arrogant asshole, you nearly did something that could get this entire guild disbanded, all because you were too blind to understand that there are other things that can make a guild strong. How long will it take you to finally understand that no matter how big and tuff you are, there's always going to be someone stronger than you? There will always be someone stronger than you, and there will always be someone weaker, but it's up to you and the fucking choices you make that determines just how strong you are" I said getting up in his face.

Only for him to suddenly stand towering over me as he forced me to walk backwards until I ran into the bar. His blue gray eyes intense as he grabbed my arms as he harshly said "What you feel right now? That's betrayal, that's exactly how I felt when you walked away and left. All these years I thought you were dead, only to realize that after all this time you became nothing but a coward." I broke out of his hold and demanded "Oh please you actually expect me to believe that bullshit? Don't you remember telling me that you were only my friend because you thought I'd be of use to you, or that you would never keep your promise made to someone as weak and pathetic as me? And of course you obviously don't remember that you were the one who walked away first leaving me standing in the rain. You left even though you promised, PROMISED that you'd always be there for me."

The air around me crackled with even more energy as I shouted tears running down my face "I left because I loved you, you arrogant ass. And I knew that the moment you came back you'd have nothing but fucking half-assed apologies, and pathetic excuses that I would end up forgiving you because I had a hard time living without you by my side. I wanted you to earn my forgiveness, not by showering me with useless gifts and soft worded apologies. I wanted you to finally learn from your actions. I've been dead the last 10 fucking years waiting for you to save me from the shithole I was in. You have no idea what I've seen, or what I've done just to get back here to you, so don't you dare preach to me about betrayal you self righteous bastard."

He scoffed at my tears and sneered "Out of obligation." My eyes widened before I closed my eyes and bowed my head trying to ignore the pain I felt as my heart broke into a billion little pieces. My hands turned into white knuckled fists as the wind howled in anger outside. However the anger faded and the weather outside cleared, as in that moment I felt nothing, no pain, no anger, no heartache, just a vast emptiness within me and my hands went limp. I lifted my head and met his shocked gaze with an unemotional look as I gave him a nod stepped passed him and headed for the guild's doors.

But because Laxus was Laxus he wouldn't let me leave, and he grabbed my arm. His words barely registered within my brain since I was closed off within myself. I just stood there like a puppet that lost its strings, staring at the guilds floor. I could no longer understand why I was there and soon did the only thing I could to free myself. A large highly charged lightning bolt traveled from me to him, the sheer power of the electricity within it sending him to his knees. His hand tightened around my arm, and I gave him another unemotional look as I sent another bolt into his body. His body shuddered under the extreme power that was going through him but he still refused to release me.

When the charge ended he panted for breath and said "Hurt me like I've hurt you if you have too, but I'm not letting you go, not again." Immediately after his words I sent another bolt stronger than the other's combined into his body and I saw his body contort in agonizing pain. Finally his hand released me, and I stepped out of the guild and into a light rain shower and walked into the night.

*3rd Person POV*

Shortly after she left Laxus rose from his position on the floor as a pained sigh left his lips. His body slightly smoking from the pure electricity that nearly crippled his body. But the large grin on his face spoke volumes to the people around him. He stiffly rose and continued to follow Erza towards the nursery. There his grandfather stood by the window. 

 Tears filled Makarov's eyes as he softly said "You know the punishment." Laxus silently nodded and said "I do.......but I'll be back for Y/N, I want to take her with me." Makarov sighed and said "Because of the rain and high winds the festival will have to be postponed until next year. Only on the festival can you return for her, when its over you'll have to leave again wither she comes with you or not."

Laxus said before turning to leave only to stop and ask "How come Y/N didn't pop up as a Fairy Tail member?" Makarov turned to face him and said "When she left, me and a few others searched everywhere for her. When we didn't find her we thought that she just didn't want to be found. However it was during her absence that a rogue wizard by the name of Storm Queen rose through the ranks, and when I was sent to take down the wizard I found her. She had been forced to endure horrible things for 8 and a half years by those who kidnapped her."

Makarov sighed and continued "She was constantly being hunted by both dark and light guilds because of the power she possessed. So I brought her here and gave her a choice. She became a member, but didn't want to be known as an active member because she feared that those who were looking for her would find her. So I put her down as missing. This allowed her to keep her mark and have the protection of the guild if they returned." "This was the reason why she was unable to turn The Briar Rose into a legitimate guild in her cousin's absence, she was still under a guild house" Laxus said softly. Makarov nodded and Laxus left.

~*A Few Weeks Later*~

*Reader's POV*

I was busy with paperwork when my name was called. I went down the stairs and saw my cousin holding a single long rectangular box. It was silver with a single gold glittered ribbon. I rushed down the stairs and took the box from her. Carefully I opened it to reveal a single beaded white daisy. I pulled out the small note card attached to it and read it with a small smile. Carefully placing the flower in a vase, I took it back to my desk and continued my work sneaking a few glances at it here and there. Every month I received a beaded daisy, with small little notes attached to them. Each note cracking the wall around my heart, even though I never knew who sent them it touched me that even so far away my admirer was thinking of me.

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