I love the smell after rain

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Clair's POV

How could I dare myself getting hurt, again? Being broken and trust people who end up stabbing my only heart with a sword of pain?
I took a lighter from my pocket, that I've been carrying around for a while now. I hold it tightly in my hand and played with it a little. I looked at the flame that seemed to carefully burn. I looked down in my other hand, almost squeezing the other half of a picture, a picture of Harry I had always loved. Seeming him smile wanted me to rip out my heart, and burn his heart.

I guide my hand to the picture. The corner started to getting burned until it catch fire and starting to grow against his feet until it reached his stomach. The flame died.
"Fuck." I said as I almost realised that I almost burned my thumb. It was red and warm. I didn't care much over it.
I sat outside and watched the threes move by the soft wind. And the smell from the previous rain catch my attention.
I loved the smell after the rain. And during this time at the year it was the best. It was the end of September and October was just a corner away.


My mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen. She was unusually quiet and just the sound of her steps was like the only sound that could been heard.
I missed my dad, he was still recovering from the hospital. And no new news had we received neither. But I knew he would make it, he had always been strong.

The clock was just after 6 and the sun set for over an hour ago. It started to rain again, and I wanted to clear my mind.
"I'll go out, I'll back soon." I shouted over my shoulder, she nodded. "Be back in a half hour." I nodded as well and took an umbrella with me.
I hold the umbrella steady and listen the relaxing song the rain sound. And somehow not trying to think on things I ended up walking past Harry's place.
But I wasn't so angry as I thought I would feel, somehow I felt more worried than angriness. I didn't think much on it and I felt like I wanted to check if he was okay.
I realised my thought, how stupid was I even? Worried about someone who blamed me for something I didn't do. Those things he said to me really hurt me.

I knocked on a window and hide behind a bush just a few steps away from the window. I pecked out and no one came to look out.
I thought I was weird cause I knew that on Tuesdays he was always home. By that he never went out, strangely.
I was worried and looked inside again to make sure that nobody was home. I was about to give up when I noticed a leg, hard to see. It didn't move so I felt my stomach squeezing inside of me. Now I was worried for real.

This time I didn't care if I had to break in his door or broke a window. I didn't know if he was injured or worse.
I prayed to God that the door was unlocked and the lord might been listing for my pray tonight. It was open. So I almost throw myself inside. Almost tripping on myself and running up to him.

I grabbed his arm. His bloody arm, after he's bleeding hand.

"Harry?" I asked nervously and shook him. "Hello?" I asked again when he didn't say anything or didn't move.
I try to see if he was breathing, sitting on the floor, holding his precious head on my laps and in my hands. And he did breath, but I noticed something that shock me. It made my head spin. I started to tear up. I sobbed and hold Harry tight in my arms.
I hold someone I hated as much as my other exes. I took up my phone and called for an ambulance. I waited and still hold him. And he made his first move. His lips moved slowly and whispers was the only thing that came out. And he opened his green beautiful eyes and I was drowning in them.
"Clair I , I-I'm sorry." His raspy voice was shaking and it could broke in any second as he spoke.

"I love-, you." He looked up at me, right into my eyes. Those tears in his eyes make me want tho squeeze him so hard. He had a hard time to holding himself awake. But I tried to hold him awake, by any chance.
"Harry, stay with me." I said and he nodded slowly. I kissed his head. The smell of green apples filled my nose as I kissed head. I always loved that smell.
"What happened?" I asked and he closed his eyes again. "Harry?" I asked and shake him a little. He mumbled a little.
"I'm sick." Was the only words I could hear. I and I started to think on a flue.
"Shh, you will be fine. I'll take care of you Harry." I hushed him as he tried to respond on my answer.

The ambulance came shortly and Harry didn't fall asleep which I felt was a good job of me.
"Thank you miss. You could have saved his life tonight." One of them said after taking Harry inside of the ambulance. They left and I looked confused at them leaving with the sirens on.

I saved his life? But he had only the flue? Right?

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