Shivers, kisses and weakness

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I woke up by Harry. "When did you go to bed last night?" He asked worried as he removed a small section of hair from my face. "Sorry I couldn't sleep." I lied and he nodded sadly and understanding. "Tonight you are indeed going to sleep well." He grinned and hold my hand. "There is a park not far from here, so i wondered if you wanted to go there as a date with me?" He asked and looked towards a plastic bag full of food, lying next to the door out to the hall. "Aww that's sweet. I'll just get dressed and I need to have a shower.

I stood in the shower and had just turn the water on when Harry knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Sure, can you bring another towel? There's one on the bed." I asked and he opened the door.
"Here I ha- you could have warned me." He looked away as he noticed me stand naked in the shower. And that's the thing. I trust Harry. I'm not afraid to expose myself to him. "Harry." I said and turned his head slowly but covered his eyes. "It's okay." I said and he slowly removed his hand. "I'm yours." He felt a bit embarrassed. "Take a shower with me." I said and reached after his hand. First he didn't know what to do. But then he started to undress himself. I watched him take off one clothing after another.
He took my hand and I hold his face between my hands. "You're so cute when your cheeks are red." He looked down and then fast up. "No, ehh.." he was silent and I hold him in my arms. And the water poured down on us. "Clair.." he started. I looked into he's eyes. "Clair, I will forever love you, until the day my heart stops beating." I smiled and hold my hands behind his neck. And I will always be with you." I leaned in for a kiss and he kissed me back with a smile on his lips. "To the moon and back, forth and back." He counties as he hold my hips.
He tried to rotate us but the shower cabinet was inches to not letting us to do so. "Harry, its cold." I smiled as he hold me closer to his body. "Is this better?" He asked kindly as he stroke my cheek and his finger tip lead to my lower lips. "My precious Claire." And he leaned in for another kiss.

We are one. He's mine. And I am his. Forever.

I took Harry's hand and guided him down the satires with the plastic bag in my other hand.
It was sunny outside as we was walking to the park we had seen earlier. And I squeezed Harry's hand enough for him to look my way. "I love you." I said and he smiled. I tilted my head over to his shoulder but he was too tall, so it ended with my head resting on tip of my shoulder, not the arm or the shoulder.
The smell of fresh bread filled our nose as we walked by a bakery. "Do you want me to take the bag?" Harry asked as we past the bakery. "No it's fine Haz." I said and noticed the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen in my life. It looked like hundreds of different kinds of orchids, white and red, multicoloured, mixed colours, all kinds.
"Have you ever seen such beautiful orchids." I was amazed. "You're right, they are really beautiful. But do you know what of those I know is the prettiest?" Harry dragged me to the flowers. "I think that one is the one." I pointed to a very pink shade orchid. He thought for a few seconds. "Hmm, it's quite pretty, but the one I know is the most beautiful is.." he pointed to the flower at the bottom, a black and blue one. But he moved his finger again. And I believed he wasn't sure of what he meant. He turned to me with his finger. "I know you're my beautiful orchid." I laughed and took his hand. "Oh Harry." I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Then you're my favourite little orchid."

We got the the park, we sat under a big tree. It was warm and we had a view over a garden with a few flowers or what's left of them. Harry was tilting his body against the tree. And I rested my head over his thighs. The birds was flying around on the branches above us. "Are you hungry Love?" Harry asked and poke on my nose and gave me a cute little dory smile. "Sure." I said and got up. " cheddar or the one with mozzarella?" Harry asked as he turned to the plastic bag. "Mozzarella." I replied as he smiled. "Apple or orange juice?" He asked and looked in to the bag and reached me the sandwich. "Croissant or a kiss on the cheek?" He joked and I know already what I wanted at this point. "Hmm, I must say the croissant, cause I'm so hungry." I smirked and playfully kissed his cheek. "I can kiss you anytime." I smiled and took a bite from the sandwich. "Hm, I wish I had met you long before Claire." Harry said thoughtful, almost a little considered. "Me too." I agreed, I knew what he meant.

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