You want her.. Come and get her

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Katalina's POV
We all turned and and gasped as we saw Henry Bowers.
"What are y-y-you doing here?" Bill asked him as i made the others get closer to me.
"Well i was gonna kill you. Remember that little rock fight fuckers? However, If you give me Kat, ill let you bastards go."
"W-what? NO! You c-cant h-"
"I'll go with you!"
They all turned towards me in disbelief. I looked at Eddie as he was crying and gripping my arm.
"No! You cant leave me! You promised me!"
I hugged him and told him sweet nothings. Then i faced Bowers.
"What if i dont go with you?"
"Then ill kill all of you, Starting with you. So they can watch!"
He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. All of them screamed as he pressed a knife to my neck. "Have fun watching her choke on her blood, Just like she choked on my cock."
Eddie started screaming for him to let me go. All of a sudden i hear the knife hit the ground and Henry's body move from behind me. I fell to the ground as the group pulled me towards them. I looked and saw Pennywise holding Bowers in the air by the throat.
He looked at me as if he was checking if i was ok. My heart started beating faster at the thought of him caring. I know its wrong but i cant help it. After he checked me over he threw Henry to the wall. Henry, at this point, was crying and begging for mercy. Pennywise glared at him and stalked towards him as he started smiling his creepy smile

 Pennywise glared at him and stalked towards him as he started smiling his creepy smile

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"Henry Bowers. Bad boy. Who targets a poor child. Are you afraid? You should be. I will love the taste of you if your scared!"
We all watched as Pennywise grabbed Henrys neck as he drooled and growled and made all sorts of noises.
Henry was full on bawling as he screamed for us to help him. For me to help him. But i didnt want to. I wanted to watch him die. To get his throat ripped out and for HIM to choke on HIS blood. I told the Losers Club to run. I told them that Pennywise would kill them as well if they stayed. I kissed all of their foreheads and pushed them towards the sewer exit. They all waved goodbye to me as we all cried. As they left, Pennywise looked at me as if asking permission to kill Henry. I nodded and watched Pennywise turn back to henry and kill him.
The screams... the begging.
I loved it. Watching Pennywise kill henry made me feel and think things ive never felt or thought before.
Pennywise got up and looked at me. He walked closer with his head down as if he was ashamed. I gently touched his cracked white face where Henry's blood was. Pennywise watched me the entire time. I softly smiled and turned around and went back to my little corner, leaving Pennywise to his thoughts.
This chapter more showed Katalina's change of thought process.
I hope you guys liked this chapter and i have a question...
No smut?
I wanted to get you guy's opinion.
Well hope you read this and i hope you'll vote. BYE!

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