Not Okay

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Hello. I dont know if anyones still interested in this book but im finally back. And ill be updating more and more. I had to figure some life shit out so that took a long fucking time. Anyways. I have some not so great plans for the next few chapters. I may make 3-4 more chapters. Then this one will be over. Sadly. Now! Enjoy the chapter :)

Katalina's POV
To the eyes of any other person, I looked close to death. Carrying a supernatural baby wasn't like the movies. You don't get some cool transformation and you don't give birth to some amazing mutant who has powers.
The reality of it is this: you get sickly. You lose weight. You look like a walking skeleton and you're constantly in pain because you have this rapidly growing alien creature in your womb fighting for its survival while also taking your own. I was only a few weeks pregnant but I looked like I was ready to go into labor. I was lost in my thoughts so I didn't notice the gloved hand sneaking its way onto my belly, but the nice warmth that it produced allowed me to realize who it belonged to.
"Hi, Penny." I mumbled softly, opening my eyes to look at him. Just by looking at him I realized he was guilty. Guilty for impregnating me, guilty for being an alien, guilty for not being the man he believed I needed. Of course he was wrong though. I didn't want some normal, boring life. I wanted what I have with him. Living in absolute isolation in the middle of deserted lands proved to be exactly what I wanted. I didn't want him to feel guilty for the life I chose. I didn't want him to regret.
"You shouldn't look at me like that. Like you feel sorry for me. I wanted this, Penny. All of this." I tell him, resting my hand over his. He frowned and looked down, "I can't help it. I did this to you. You shouldn't be like this.." he said, staring at my stomach. I could feel him shooting daggers at my stomach and it honestly worried me. "This is the life I chose. You cannot tell me to choose differently because I have already chosen." I say sternly, moving his hand. Suddenly I didn't want his touch. It felt foreign to me..
"I can tell you. You shouldn't have this.. its taking over your body and it should never have existed!" He growled. My stress levels were skyrocketing. It was stress or...fear... "It is my child and I will do what I must to ensure it's survival, Pennywise. With or without you!"
I said, standing abruptly. I backed away a bit as I watched his blue eyes shift to yellow, staring down at my stomach with a burning hate. Slowly I started to come to my senses and realize that Penny wanted the child gone. However, I did not. "If you touch me or my child I will not hesitate to hurt you." I said, trying to sound brave but I could feel the wavering in my voice. My hands trembled as he chuckled deeply. My mind raced with so many thought, 'He didn't care. He didn't care about the child.' But then I figured it out. He hasn't eaten in weeks... that's why he's this hostile.. he needed to feed and in his hunger blinded mind, our child was food.
My breathing picked up as I stumbled. The weight of the whole situation causing me too much stress. Penny seemed to analytics of it and was staring at me, "My love..." he whispered, staring down at my legs. I was confused until I felt it. I looked down and saw a puddle of blood under my feet, caused from the trail down my legs and that's when panic set in. "P-Penny..." I mumbled, looking up at the frozen clown, fear noticeable in both our eyes. We looked at each other and we knew what would happen without having to word it. This baby was coming...with or without our consent and preparation...and it was going to kill me in the process.

So. That's my plans for this book. It needs to come to an end and, sadly, with a murdering clown you don't always get a happy ending and Katalina is realizing that. But perhaps she realized a bit too late. I hope you guys are still interested in this story. I thank those that stayed with me. I love you guys and I plan on making more books for other fandoms! Bye!! 💕

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