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DONT KILL ME!!! I KNOW IVE BEEN GONE *hides behind Pennywise*
Katalina's POV
I woke up and noticed i was in Pennywise's arms. I know he doesnt sleep so i wanted to mess with him. I slowly slid my hand down his chest towards his lower half. I giggled when I felt a gloved hand pull my wrist up. I was turned to face him as I smiled innocently. He kissed me and I giggled and straddled him. He sat up so I was chest to chest with him. He smiled as he ran his hands up and down my sides. As things were getting heated, we heard footsteps. I looked at Penny and he mirrored my confused facial expression. He got up and hid just in case. He wasnt leaving me he was making sure who it was. I gasped as I saw who it was.
It wad the losers club.
I smiled as they ran to me and hugged me. My smile faded though as Penny came out causing them to scream and point their makeshift weapons towards him and pausing me behind them. They started loading a gun and that was it for me. I ran infront of Penny as they aimed. It fell silent as they looked at me.
"Dont hurt him"
I said. They looked at eachother then me.
"Kat get away. Hes gonna hurt you."
I chuckled and shook my head. He wasnt going to hurt me. He know what would happen if he did and neither of us wanted that. I looked back and saw Pennywise looking down in shame. I cupped his face and brought his head up.
"He wouldnt hurt me. He loves me to much for that."
I smiled as I heard gasps and metal pipes hitting the floor. I turned towards them and spoke.
"And he wont hurt you"
All of them were skeptical. I understood why as well. Here I was, telling them a child-eating murderer wasnt going to hurt them.
They had no reason to believe me. Penny tormented them. Tried to kill them. But I know he's changed.
Eddie walked forward. He reached me all while keeping his eyes on Penny. They stared at eachother as Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt Penny tense behind me but slowly relaxed afterwards. I hugged Eddie back as he cried.
"As long as I get my sister back then I trust you." I smiled and hugged him harder. Slowly all of them approached and hugged me. Bill and Penny had a stare down and Penny outstretched his hand. Bill looked wary yet shook hands with him. I knew he didnt forgive him for Georgie yet. It would take more than love between me and Penny for Bill to fully trust me. I was patient. I didnt mind. Penny and I stood watching as the losers club walked around looking around. I giggled at their curiosity. I sat down and smiled as Eddie sat next to me.
"Has he hurt you?"
I sighed yet nodded. I couldnt lie to him. Hes my baby.
He went wide eyed. I shook my head in silent answer that that was the only time.
He nodded and we watched the others.
"I just want you to be taken care of"
I started tearing up. Eddie saw and hugged me closer as I cried in his shoulder. I could sense eyes on me and looked up seeing Penny watching. He understood that this was a personal thing. So he watched from afar. After I finished crying, Eddie started making jokes. And sure enough the mood was lightened.

Yes I know, its been forever since my last update. But I'm starting again. Its just taking me some time. So thanks to all reading and holding out for me. If you guys have an idea for a chapter tell me Cuz i need them. Luv yall.

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