Come back to me

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Pennywise's POV
I walked back to the main room to beg for fogiveness. I couldnt take her not smiling her not touching me. However, when i got there she was gone. All that indicate she was here was blood on the floor and bloody water bottles. I was pissed. She cant leave me like this
Well you kinda deserved it
I growled at my conscience and walked towards the connected houses. She couldnt have gone far. I will find her. I have to.

Katalina's POV
I didnt get any sleep. I kept thinking about him. Would he care that im gone? Would he come look for me. Probably not. I shouldnt of left. I wanted to hear his explanation but i was to scared to let him. What he did to me would be very hard to forgive. What if he did it again? What if that time i wouldnt be able to stop him? I sat there crying for what seemed like 100 hours but it was only a couple hours. I sat there sniffling when i heard a loud thump. I gasped and smacked my hand on my mouth. I got up and tiptoed to the stairs. There was nothing there. I chuckled at my paranoia and calmed my heart.
"You left me."
I have never screamed so loud. He grabbed my mouth making me be quiet. Pennywise. I stared into his golden eyes and i only saw regret. I tried keeping the tears in but as soon as he said sorry i broke down. He ran to me and picked me up like a kid and rubbed my back as i cried into his neck.
"You hurt me" I told him and i could feel his tears.
"I know i did. Ive never been sorry but i am now i never wanted to hurt you. I dont know why i did and im so sorry."
I looked at him and i could tell he meant it. I held his head and kissed him with all the passion i had. I pulled away after a few moments and we caught our breath.
"Take me home Penny."
He nodded ans we walked hand in hand towards the Neibolt house.
When we got there, I was shocked. The place was trashed more than it already was. I looked up at Pennywise trying to suppress my giggles.
"I may or may not have went on a rampage."
He told me and i burst out in giggles. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He smirked and backed me up against the wall. He snaked his hand down to my skirt and looked at me for permission. I nodded and he instantly stuck two fingers in me. A little Make-Up Sex was okay. I kissed him as he fingered me and added one finger after the other. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around hus waist as he gently slid his cock in me. I moaned as he nibbled on my breasts. He started thrusting and soon we were panting. The room smelled of sex and we were both sweating. Then he said three words ill never forget.
"I love you."
I looked at him and smiled. He was a other worldly creature that shouldnt be capaple of love and he loves me. I started crying. They were happy tears though.
"I love you too"
He laid me down and the rest of the night was spent with him making love to me.

So that was fun. Hope yall enjoyed the semi smut. I know i did. Im working on a new Ouran Highschool Host Club book so that'll be up soon and yea thats it.
Daily Kaomoji:
( ຶ▮ )!!!

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