Idk what to call this... halp

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THIS IS A CHAPTER! I just didn't know what to call it :\ so yea. GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS! Remember. I will not make chapters unless you guys message me ideas for the chapters. This isn't just my book. It's for you guys as well. So tell me what YOU guys want to see.
Bad news is this book is finishing soon. In a couple chapters. So i might make a sequel based off of the grown up version of IT ya know where he actually dies ;-; or ill make another IT book only itd be woth one of the losers club. Ive had some major Beverly feels ;)
So yea. Comment any other fandoms you want me to write about. Just a warning: MIGHT MAKE AN NCT BOY X BOY BOOK. Cuz ya bitch is lesbian and needs gayness sooooooo. Yea

Katalina's POV
I sat near the window in a grumpy mood. Pennywise has stayed away today. And he should. It's his fault I'm like this.
(Me: *looks at Penny* ya done goofed
Penny: -_-)
He just told me that his hibernation is coming up. I sighed and looked down to my growing stomach.
"Your daddy's stupid"
I said as I watched a faint glow appear. I shuffled closer to the window as i heard a faint jingling and footsteps. I turned my head and saw his blue eyes in the shadows.
"If you're gonna be a creeper ya might as well come in the room Penny"
He nodded and shuffled inside. I chuckled at the almost 7 foot tall lanky clown. He sat on the ground and looked up at me.
"Are you still mad at me, my love?"
I sighed and looked back out the window too see the rain.
"Sadly yes i am"
He growls lowly out of frustration.
"I think i have a solution."
I turned my head towards him, unconsciously rubbing my enlarged stomach and raised an eyebrow at him to continue.
"You could hibernate with me. You and the child."
I parted my lips to say something but i had no words. For i was scared. What would happen? Would the baby be fine? I guess he noticed the slight fear in my eyes since he placed his large gloved hand on my knee allowing me to play with his fingers.
"You and the baby will be fine. No harm. No pain. Just a long nap. I promise."
I looked into his blue eyes and nodded slowly letting him know i was ok with it. He interlaced our fingers and kissed the back of our hands.
"We sleep in two weeks, my love"
He said then stood up, kissed my head, and walked off.
I looked down at my stomach and smiled at the faint glowing.
"I guess Daddy made up for it then."

So if you didnt read the top AN please go read it. Its important. Also i has questions on what other fandom i should write about. So bye bye. I will update more after today. Ive been super busy with tryna get a drivers liscense and school and life in general. I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO STAYED SUPPORTIVE. THANK YOU FOR READING.

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