Mini Penny

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THIS IS GOING TO BE SHORT!!!!! IM SORRY BUT I NEEDED TO GIVE YALL SOMETHING. *hides behind Pennywise* protecc me senpai
Pennywise's POV
Somethings off. I could feel it. I looked over to My Queen and studied her. It has to do with her but I cannot determine what it is. I watched as she stirred and raised my hand to caress her thigh. She woke up and smiled up at me. I smiled back and was about to say something when she widened her eyes and ran to a corner and started throwing up. I stood quickly and walked over just as she finished.
"Are you alright, Princess?"
She nodded and I picked her up.
"May I try something Princess"
She looked confused but nodded.
I placed my hand on her stomach and watched as a faint glow appeared. Dead lights. Baby deadlights. She seemed to understand and looked at me.
"I'm pregnant....with your child Pennywise..."
I smiled slightly.

I've been so busy. With school and I have a boyfriend now. He's perfect and accepting of my Pennywise obsession. I love you guys

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