Prologue prt.2

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Pub: Jan 15, 2018
Edit: May 12, 2024

Pub: Jan 15, 2018Edit: May 12, 2024

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Slendy's POV

"Well (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you too. But what brings you out here on your own?" I asked in a soft tone. "A scary man killed my mommy and daddy, and he tried to get me too, but I outsmarted him and fled into the woods. When I couldn't see him, I hid with some foxes until he left. The foxes were so nice, and we talked a lot," she informed me.

Your POV

"(Y/n), what do you mean you talked to the foxes?" Slendy asked curiously. "Well, Lyra said that I had a power deep inside me, and it revealed itself when I was in danger, so now I guess I can talk to animals or something," I explained. "Lyra?" He questioned. "Oh, Lyra is the nice fox that let me stay with her and her sons, Danny and Alex," I told him.

"Now that I think about it, you seem to emit strong magical energy. Well, if you're okay with it, how would you feel if I adopted you?" Slendy asked.

"Huh?! Really? You're the best, Slendy! Wait, do I have to call you dad or Slendy?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, but you could call me Dad if you want to," he said.

"Okay, Dad!" I said with a big smile.

Slendy's POV

"I think your uncles will be very happy to meet you," I said.

"Uncles? Yay, I get to meet my new uncles!" she said happily.

As long as she's happy, I'll be happy.

~15 years later~

Your POV

I awoke to the sound of Dad calling me to breakfast. "I'm coming!" I yelled down before changing out of my pajamas. Walking downstairs, I saw my four favorite uncles—my only uncles, to be exact. "Good morning, Uncle Splendor, Trender, Surrender, and Offender," I said as I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, (Y/n)~" they happily chimed in unison.

I walked over to Dad and kissed him on the cheek, bidding him good morning. I looked down and saw waffles, which made me smile. "Dad, have I ever told you that you make the best waffles?" I asked as I sat down. "Yes, yes you have," he said.

I couldn't believe it had been 15 years since he adopted me. I was four when he found me, and I don't remember much from my time before him, but I still recall the beautiful faces of my parents. I miss them every day, but I know they are in a better place, better than this world.

I've been taught to hunt, defend myself, and control my powers, which have grown stronger as I've gotten older. They also taught me to deal with the occasional idiot who would wander into the forest. When I found out they killed people, I was scared, but I got used to it eventually and joined them. People were horrible anyway—greedy and selfish. There were very few good people in the world, but I didn't care after what had happened to my parents.

"Happy birthday, (Y/n)," Dad said as he set my waffles in front of me with a small candle on top. "Well, my birthday isn't until tomorrow, but thank you, Daddy," I said before blowing out the candle. "What did you wish for?" Uncle Splendor asked. "That you five will be able to live without me for the next millennia," I said.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "We are grown 'men,' I'm sure we can handle ourselves," he said before tears filled his eyes. He pulled me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you! Who's gonna do tea 'n' tea with me?" he asked as he cried. "I'm sure everyone can take shifts every week," I said as I looked at Dad and my other uncles. They sighed and all nodded their heads. "See? They'll keep you company," I said. "But it won't be as fun," he said as he sniffled.

"Uncle Splendy, we knew this day was coming, and I know everyone is sad, but I thought you were the strong one," I said. "I am?" he asked. "Of course, without you around, everyone would be breaking down," I said. "They would?" he asked as he sniffled once more. "I mean, look at them, they are holding it in because you're here to make sure they don't cry," I said as I hugged him tightly. "O-okay, but that doesn't mean I won't deeply miss you; we all will," he said as he released me from his hold. "I know, but I'll be back before you know it," I said with a smile.

"(Y/n), we depart for your sleeping chamber before midnight," Dad said. I nodded and began eating my food. "I'm gonna go visit the foxes for a bit; I'll be back before lunch to get my things ready," I said as I scarfed down my food. "Alright," Dad said before I got up from the table.

I left the mansion and started walking to the fox den. To better gain control of my power, I was being put to sleep for a millennium. It may seem like a really long time, but Dad said it will keep my magic from overflowing.

I arrived at the den and called out to the foxes. "Lyra, Danny, Alex," I called out. "Hey, (n/n), what's up?" Danny asked as he walked over. "Well, it's my last day here, so I came to spend some time with you guys for a bit," I said. "Hello, dear," Lyra said as she came over. "Hey, Lyra, I had a question for you," I said.

"What is it?" she asked me. "Well, you're a magical fox, and you seem to be good at reading magic, so, do you have any insight about my magic?" I asked. She sat in front of me and thought for a minute. "Well, your power comes from your ancestors who seemed to be really in tune with nature," she started.

Alex came over and climbed onto my lap before Lyra spoke again. "They each had spirit animals, and what do you know, yours is a fox. But until your powers develop more, that's all I can tell you for now," she said. "Thank you so much, and now to spend some time with you guys. I hope you don't miss me too much; Uncle Splendor broke down during breakfast," I said with a small chuckle.


It was close to midnight and I got my things ready. Dad and all my uncles lead me into the woods to a cave. When we stepped inside I was amazed. Bioluminescent plants hung from the cave ceiling and the walls were covered with vines. There was a bed of (favorite flowers) in the center. "We thought we'd spiffy it up since you'll be spending the next thousand years here," Uncle Trender said.

"Thank you, guys..." I said as I pulled them all into a group hug. "When you're ready, go ahead and lay in the bed of flowers," Dad said. I nodded and slowly got on the bed. "We may not be here when you wake up, but the mansion will be ready for you when you wake up," Dad said. "Ok, I guess... I'll see you in a thousand years, love you, Daddy," I said with a smile. "Love you too, sweetie," he said before I felt my eyelids getting heavy and soon, darkness.

 "Love you too, sweetie," he said before I felt my eyelids getting heavy and soon, darkness

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P.s. this is like 994 years before Slendy's "first" proxy comes.

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