Chapter 2

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Your POV

I woke up to the smell of dad's special waffles, I'd know that smell anywhere, he and I are the only ones who know how to make it and he swore that he would never ever tell anyone the recipe. "YASSSSSSS WAFFFFFLLLLLEEEEESSSSS." As I yelled that I heard someone yell but I paid no attention to it. I dashed outta my room and down to the kitchen kinda forgetting that I  could teleport. When I get into the kitchen I see dad at the stove. "DAD YOU MADE WAFFLES, YOU'RE THE BEST!"  I heard someone say something while I was in the moment. I turn to my side and I see Toby standing there. "You like waffles toby?" "Like? I LOVE waffles!" "Yasssss!!! You, my dude, are my new best waffle friend. I have never found anyone who loves waffles as much as me." "Oh my gosh same here (Y/N),  same here." "Come on dad hit us up with some waffles." "Alright alright, hold your horses." "Ok, holding." I said as I grabbed two pictures of Jean from AOT out of my pocket and handed one to Toby.       "H-hooray for h-humor!!!" Toby yelled. "Yes!! Hooray for humor!!!" After a few minutes dad gave us some waffles. "Thanks dad." "T-thanks Slendy." "You're welcome and (Y/N) are you ready for your daily routine?" "OF COURSE I AM!!! I'm always ready!" "(Y/N) that's p-pretty cool t-that you have a d-daily                r-routine." "Really? Well thanks Toby, I'm finished eating so I'm going to go now so see you later!" "Ok, see ya later!"
After I change I go outside and start running. While I'm running I hear crying. I head towards the noise and as I'm walking I see a little girl up ahead. "Excuse me, why are you crying?" I ask. She jumps and then turns toward me. "U-uh, I-I'm crying because of my bullies." "Oh no, What did they do?" "T-they were t-teasing me and c-calling m-me names, then after that they started throwing rocks and dust at me and they started to chase me and they chased me in here but I lost them and I ran too far in so now I'm lost." "Well, how old are you and how old are your bullies?" "I'm 7 and they are 12." "Ok how would you like for me to protect you whenever they bully you." "Really?" "Yes, and I will always come." "Yes please, I would really like that!" "Ok so whenever they are bullying you near or in the forest just say my name and I'll come." "Well what's your name? My name is Alice." "My name is (Y/N) but when you call for me I want you to call me Okami, and it's very nice to meet you Alice, now let me take you home, just close your eyes and we'll be at you house." "Ok." When she closes her eyes I scan her memory for her house and I teleport her home. "Ok you can open your eyes now." "Wow! You must be magical (Y/N) because we got here super fast." "Yup I am, now I need you to promise me one thing." "Ok." "You have to promise not to tell your family or friends about me ok?" "Yes I swear it." "Ok thank you Alice, but I have to leave now and don't forget that I will always protect you." "Ok, bye (Y/N)." "Bye Alice." I teleport back to the woods and I finish running. After I finished running I went to my training room that's behind my book shelf in my room.

Sally's POV

I was walking to (Y/N)'s room to ask if she wanted to have a tea party. When I get to her room I see her door open a little bit. I walk in and I look around for her until I here her from behind the bookshelf and I think she is in trouble. "Oh no." I go downstairs and get Jane. "Jane I need your help with something please." "Ok, what is it Sally." "I'll tell you when we get there, now please hurry." When we get there I tell Jane what happened. "Ok Sally I'll help you move the bookshelf." After we move the bookshelf we see (Y/N) training.

Your POV

When I finish training I turn around to see Jane and Sally staring at me. "Um, how long have you been there?" "Long enough! (Y/N) YOUR AMAZING, THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!" Sally yelled. I blush a bit at her comment. "Thank you." "I didn't know you could fight that good! You could help me get Jeff back for killing my family! He'll never see what's coming!" "I'll only do it if there is no murderous intent." "Fine! There will be no murderous intent.....this time." "Yes I could also use this as a way of training after lunch." "Everone it's lunch time, please come to the kitchen to eat." "Yes! Lunch time!" I then teleport to the kitchen cause I'm too lazy to walk.

°•○●□■Time skip to midnight cause I'm a lazy author■□●○•°

Still Your POV

I was in my room sitting around doing nothing and I got really bored. "Maybe I'll go out killing for a bit." I said to myself. I then teleported to uncle Trendor's room. "Uncle Trendy can you help me pick out clothes for killing." "YES! It's been so long since you've been here, it feels so nice of you to ask me to help you with your clothes again!" "I know, I missed you too!" I replied back to him. "Hmmm, how about... this panic at the disco shirt a grey hoodie aaaaannnndd these ripped skinny jeans?" "Aaahh it's perfect uncle Trendy! Thank you so much!" I start to walk towards the front door and pushing through a few pastas. "MOVE OUTTA THE WAY PEASANTS, I HAVEN'T GONE KILLIN 10 FUCKING CENTURIES!" I yell.       "(Y/N)! Language!" I heard dad yell. "English!" I yelled back. "Hey (Y/n), is it ok if me and Sally go with you?" I heard Jane ask. "OF COURSE! Come on let's go!" When we got to a house I could sense three people, a mom, a dad, and a boy. "Ok, Jane you get the Dad cause you're bigger than Sally and I don't want Sally to get hurt even if she is a killer." I said. "Alright." She replied. "The dad is in his office, Sally I want you to get the mom cause she is already asleep and it'll be easier to sneak up on her." I told them. "Okie," Sally replied. "I'll get the son, now let's go." "Yeah!" They both say. I walk into the boy's room while he is in the shower and before he walks in I hide under the bed and wait for him to lie down. I slide out and jump up and land sitting on his lap. "W-who are    y-you." He asked stuttering. "I'm here for pleasure... my pleasure that is." I replied. "W-what do y-you m-mean pleasure?" "Oh nothing, just the pleasure of torturing you." I say with a smirk. I pulled out a dagger from my pocket and point it in the middle of his chest. He tried to scream but before he did I covered his mouth with my other hand. "It's no use, they won't be able to do anything, as we speak my friends are killing your parents." He looked at me with a face of shock and pain. I start to slowly push the dagger into his skin. I start to drag it down his chest creating a long cut, I smile and get this weird feeling I don't usually get when killing, it was.... it felt like..... like a hunger... a hunger for flesh. Just then I felt my teeth shifting, getting sharper and my nails growing, getting pointed. I look at my reflection in my dagger and see that my teeth are pointed and I looked at my nails and they were long and pointy, but when I looked back at my reflection I noticed.... WOLF EARS!! I slowly turned to look at my back, and there I saw a wolf tail. I quickly killed the kid so I could examine what was happening to me. I went looking for Sally and Jane to show them what happened.

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