Chapter 10

855 19 7

Published: Aug 6, 2019
Edited: Aug 25, 2019
(F/bf) - fav breakfast food
(N/n) - nickname
Your POV

I woke up on the floor. "Dammit Luci..." I said to myself. I stood up and sat on my bed. I turned towards my sleeping friend and jabbed him in the side. He immediately woke up. "What the hell!?" He said.

"That's what you get for kicking me off my bed." I said with a smile. "Whatever." He replied as he got up. "C'mon, let's go get food." I said. He nodded and we headed downstairs.

We went to the kitchen and saw dad making food. "Morning daddy!" I said with a smile. "Morning sweetie." He said. "What's for breakfast?" Luci asked. "(F/bf)." Dad said.

"Yes!" I said. I sat at the table and watched dad cook. He made a plate and placed it in front of me. He then made another and placed it in front of Luci. We both ate and I was so happy, nothing could ruin my day.

But as my luck would have it, in comes a flying person who lands on the table and smashes my plate. My face becomes red with anger and I bare my fangs. I look at who was on the table and it was Ben. "Who. Threw. You." I said as I gritted my teeth. "S-skroll." Ben said.

I growled and Ben pointed out of the kitchen slash dining room. "(N/n), calm down." Dad said. "I can't when someone I don't know ruined my breakfast!" I said. "Yeah! I was actually hungry!" Luci said.

"Who the hell even is this Skroll guy in the first place!?" I yelled in anger. "Aw, did I hear my name being called?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice say. I pulled out my dagger and got in a fighting stance while Luci pulled out a sickle that lit on fire when he pulled it out.

"Woah woah, no need to get all hostile, I came to talk to dear ol' slendy." This Skroll guy said. When he got close enough, I swiped my legs at his to make him fall and I pinned him to the ground, holding my dagger to his throat. "What do you want with my dad?" I questioned. "Wow Slendy, didn't know you had a daughter, and a cutie at that, I'm dyin to know what would happen if I pull that tail of yours sweetheart~." He said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"(Y/n) get off him, you don't know where he's been." Dad said. I did as told and got off him. "Nice pajamas, hun~" Skroll said. I looked down and saw that I was in a large sweater and underwear. I blushed and took Luci's coat.

"Ugh! Pervert." I said as I stood behind Luci. "What are you doing here Skroll?" Dad asked. "Well, as much as I hate it, it turns out that I need your help." Skroll said. "With what?" Dad asked. "I heard a certain ruler of the underworld is planning on crawling out of his hole in a few months to take out a select few creepypastas, including me and a few of your boys and girls." Skroll said.

"Did you hear why he was doing it?" Dad asked. "Something about needing hostages so he can get something from you, something about a necklace, said he sent someone after it more than a thousand years ago but the guy came back with nothing." Skroll said. "But I don't have any necklaces, who did it belong to?" Dad asked. "A couple, they weren't human, apparently they were the last of their kind, a forgotten species." Skroll explained.

"What else?" I asked. "Oh? The wolfy is interested?" Skroll said. "Just tell us what else there was." I said. "Well, the couple had a kid, it was a girl, about four or five years old at the time, the guy lost the girl in the woods after chasing her. She couldn't have survived, though the species is known to be able to live for many years." He said.

I pulled my dad out of earshot of Skroll. "Dad, do you think..." I started. "Yes, I know for a fact it's you, Lyra was right about that special power you have deep in you, when I met you I immediately knew you weren't human, I sensed you didn't know about it so I didn't say anything." Dad explained. "I understand." I said. "Can we talk about this tonight?" I asked. "Of course." Dad said.

Alrighty, another chapter finished and I'm so sorry for the short chapter and how long it took me to update, it's been hard with very little inspiration but I will not let this book go down in flames, hope you guys liked this and please vote
Thank yous
- Mehgan

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