Chapter 3

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Your POV

Right away I found Jane and Sally. "What the heck? (Y/n) where did you find the fake wolf ears and tail?" Jane asked. "Th-there not fake." I said on, on the verge of tears. "Guys, I knew I was going to go through a wolf transformation, but I didn't think it be embarrassing like this." "But (y/n), I think you look super cute!" Sally said trying to cheer me up. "Aww, thanks Sally but I still I think I should ask my dad for help." I told them. "Alright then, let's go." Jane said. "Wait Jane I have a faster way to get there. Jane, Sally, grab on and close your eyes." They did as asked and didn't ask questions when I was sure they were holding on to me I teleported us to the front of the mansion. "Ok you can open your eyes now." I said. "What the... (y/n) can you teleport?" Jane asked. "Yes, yes I can, now let's get inside." "Yeah, lets go!" Sally said. We walked in and it just so happened that everyone was in the living room. All the boys had blushes on their faces except for my dad and uncles. "I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS YOU IDIOTS, SO STOP THINKING YOUR IDIOTIC THOUGHTS ABOUT MY SWEET LITTLE GIRL." Dad yelled at the proxies and pastas. I ran up to dad crying. "Daddy, I...I don't know what's happening, I-I mean I knew a-about the transformation b-but I didn't think the transformation would b-be in different s-s-stages the first t-time." I said while hugging him. "Ok first let's go into the bathroom and wash your face, then we'll go into your room and talk about it, alright?" Dad said. "O-ok, can Sally a-and Jane come? I feel more comfortable with them around." I asked. "Alright, now let's go." He said as he helped me walk up the stairs. When we got to my room I sat on my bed with Dad and Sally and Jane sat on the small couch I had in there. "So, (y/n) what do you mean by transformation." Dad asked. "Well, remember the day I was put to sleep." I started. "Yes." "Well in the morning you know how I went to visit Lyra?" "Yeah." "Well I asked her about my powers more and she told me I had the spirit of a wolf inside and that I would be able to transform into a wolf, but I guess I forgot to ask how the transformation would happen." I finished. "Ok so now I know about the transformation but what caused you to trigger this transformtion?" Dad asked. "Well when me, Jane, and Sally went killing, and I was in the process of killing my victim I got the hunger of a wolf and I felt myself transforming but it stopped after a minute or so." "Well, thank you for telling me. Are you feeling better now that you talked about it?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better now, thanks dad." I said. "Well I'll leave you three alone for now, and don't forget to get some rest." Dad said as he left. "Sally? Jane? Could you stay in here for the night? Please?" I asked. "Okie (y/n)!!" Sally said excitedly. "Yeah sure I'm fine with it, but we need to take showers before we can go to sleep." Jane said. "Well we can use my bathroom, Sally you wanna take a bath with me?" I asked. "Yes please!" "Well let's go then, oh and Jane it is like a bathhouse so feel free to join us when you get your clothes." I said. "Oh, yeah sure but I hope you don't bring your phone because you never know when BEN is watching through a screen." Jane said. "Oh yeah, I keep my phone in my training room and so far me, my dad, you, and Sally know how to get out of my training room so if he decides to pop out and pay us a visit, he won't be able to get out until he either leaves through the phone or stays in there until the next time I train." I told them in confidence. "Well then, let's get our bath on." Jane said. Me and Sally walk into the bathroom. "Ok Sally, do you want it to be a bubble bath?" I ask. "YEEEAAAAHHH!!!" She says excitedly. I grab the bubble bath soap and pour it into the water. I stick my hand in to make sure it's not too hot. We take our clothes off and get in. About five minutes later as I'm washing Sally's hair as she plays with a rubber ducky I hear a know on the door. I stand up and wrap a towel around my body. "Stay there Sally." I say. "Okie!" She replies. I walk up to the door and open it to see who it is. "Oh it's just you Jane, please come in and join us." I say. "Alright, thank you." Jane says as she passes me. I get back in and continue washing Sally's hair. "Ok Sally tilt your head back." I say. She tilts her head back and I rinse her hair off. Jane steps in and starts washing herself.

Time skip to 30 minutes of bath time

Your POV

We are all dressed in our pajamas and we are just talking and playing games. "Ok Jane, I dare you to run down stairs slap Jeff in the face and run back up here." I said proudly. "Alright." Jane said as she left the room.

Jane's POV

I ran down the stairs in search for Jeff. I saw BEN sitting on the couch playing Mario kart. "Hey BEN have you seen Jeff?" I asked. "Uh yeah, he's... um.... in the kitchen." He says as he tries to focus on his game. I walk into the kitchen and see Jeff talking to Masky. "Hey Jeff!" I said as I walked up to him. "What do you wa-" he gets cut off by me slapping him in the face. "Sorry not sorry, it was a dare gotta go baiiii." I said quickly as I start sprinting away. "JANE, WHY YOU LITTLE..." Jeff says as he chases after me. I hear him right behind me as I run towards (y/n)'s room. As I get to the room I quickly enter and close the door behind me.

Your POV

"There, you happy?" Jane asks out of breathe. "Yes" I say as I toss her a bottle of water. As she starts walking towards me and Sally, Jeff barges in with an angry face. "Jeff, get the fuck outta my room." I say. "No, not until I kill that bitch!" He yells in anger. "Jeez it was a harmless dare, can't you take a joke?" I say as I walk towards him. "NO! NOW LET ME KILL HER!" I grabbed his arm and hugged it. "Aww please don't get mad at her, I'm the one who dared her. Please forgive me~" I say using my cuteness as a weapon. "F-fine, since it was only a dare." He says as his face turns a light pink which is really easy to see with his skin color. He leaves and I close the door behind him. "Yeah (y/n)! Using your cuteness as a weapon, and the since you have the wolf ears and tail it makes you even more adorable!" Jane said. "Hahahaha, it was great!" I said.

Slender's POV

I enter my office and call my brothers. In a second they teleported in. "Is she ok?" Surrender asked in a worried tone. "Yes, she is alright, and she'll be fine." I said reassuringly. "Oh thank goodness, I'm glad." Trender said in a relaxed voice. "So, what happened Slendy?" Splendor asked me. "Well, do you remember her fox friend Lyra?" I asked. They all said yes. "Well (y/n) had told me that Lyra said she had the spirit of a wolf and she would go through a transformation but she forgot to ask about transformation's process, but she will be fine and it doesn't seem like the transformation is painful." I explained. "Well thats good." Offender said. "I suggest we let her go for now and if she wants to talk about she'll talk about it." I said. They all excepted that and they left to go back to their own homes.

Your POV

"Hey guys hold on a sec, I got to get something." I said as I teleported to a grocery store with my wallet. I start to look for my most favorite route candy, pocky.(sorry if you don't like pocky) I bought like ten boxes of pocky and teleported back. And hey, just because I'm a murderer doesn't mean I don't have to pay, I mean I praise the people who created pocky so they deserve the money. "I'm back boooiiiiiiiii!!!!" I said filled with excitement. "AND I BROUGHT POCKY!!!" I yelled. "Wow, that's a lot of pocky." Jane said surprised. "Yeah! I love it! Especially when two guys play the pocky game." I said while drooling. A smirk then crawled onto Jane's face and I got a chill. "Well then, (y/n) I dare you to go downstairs and play the pocky game with Hoodie." She said as she laughed evilly. "W-what, no, I've never even had my first kiss, I can't handle playing the pocky game with some guy, I mean it's ok if I play it with a girl cause I mean I feel comfortable around girls and girls are just easier to handle than guys plus I've already seen Hoodie's personality and he's very shy!" I said frantically. "Nope! It's a dare and you HAVE to do it." Jane said. "Ugghhh fine, I'll do it." I said as I gave up. "Oh! And me and Sally are going to go watch to make sure you don't fake it, also it has to end in a kiss." Jane said smiling. "W-WHAT! No, please, it'll be too embarrassing." I whined. "Well it's your fault for talking about the pocky game, I mean if you just hadn't said anything about the pocky game this wouldn't have happened." Jane said smirking. "Ugh, fuck you and your logic."(it is logically true that I wrote that) "Alright let's go then." I said as I dragged my feet as I walked out of my room with Sally and Jane.

Hope you guys liked this chapter and I will continue soon so thanks bye

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