Chapter 4

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Your POV

As I got downstairs I started searching for hoodie so I could get this stupid dare over with. Why did I have to suggest truth or dare, why not a pillow fight or twister but noooo I had to choose truth or dare.

I walk towards the living room looking for Hoodie; he wasn't there so I went to check the kitchen. Sally and Jane are still following me. I looked in the kitchen and saw Hoodie sitting at the table eating some cheesecake; good thing no one else was in the kitchen. I walk up to Hoodie and sit next to him. "Hey uh Hoodie could I talk to you?" I asked as I looked at him. "S-sure, w-what is i-it?" He asked. I leaned close and whispered the situation into his ear. "Is that ok?" I ask. He nods as I see a small blush on his face because his mask is slightly pulled up so he could eat the cheesecake. I look at Jane and Sally and they are watching us intently.

I take a pocky stick and stick the chocolatey end in Hoodie's mouth, then I bite down on the other end. I slowly take a bite and watch as Hoodie does the same, we keep at it until our lips are just a centimeter away; I finally take one last bite and close the gap between us, our lips touch then after a few seconds I pull away and stand up. I look and Hoodie with a blush on my face. I bow and say "I am so sorry for the events that just happened and I hope you aren't upset, now if you'll please excuse me I must take Jane and torture her, oh and please watch Sally and make sure she doesn't get caught in the crossfire." I turn and smirk evilly at her. "Jane~ I'm coming for you~" I sang as I slowly started walking to her.

She started to back up a bit, when I got a little bit closet she made a run for it so I took off chasing after her. I kept chasing after Jane until she turned and ran towards her room. I started to pick up my speed and I realized that I was running faster then I usually do. I caught up to Jane and tackled her to the floor. As I held her down I called out to Jeff because I've noticed that they fight a lot. "What do you want?" He said in a slightly harsh tone. "Well I seem to have caught a wild Jane and I was wondering what was the best and harmless way of torture she can't handle?" I asked. "Hehehe... the best and harmless way is to tickle her." Jeff said mischeiviously. "NO! (Y/N), PLEASE NOOO- HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She started but was cut off by her laughter. "YOU'RE HAHAHAHA GONNA HAHAHAHAHA DIE HAHAHA JEFF HAHAHAHA!!!!" She said between laughs. "You'll never catch me!" Jeff said as he ran off while I was tickling Jane. I really wanted to see Jane catch Jeff so I stopped and got off of her. "I am only releasing you because I want to see you hurt Jeff, but know this, I will get you back for that stupid dare." I said before I let her run off.

While Jane was chasing Jeff I went for a walk outside as I was walking I saw something move in the sunlight. I crouched down to get a better look at the ground and saw a white snake, surprisingly I wasn't scared, I just stared at it. "Excuse me, staring is rude." I heard the snake say. "Oh I'm sorry it's just that you are very beautiful." I said as I smiled at it. "You can understand me?" It asked. "Yes I can and I would like to know what type of snake you are and if you are male or female?" I asked. "Well, I'm a rosy boa and I am female." She explained. "Do you have a name?" I asked. "No, I don't, usually we will choose our own names but it becomes to hard to find a name that hasn't already been taken." She said. "Well is it ok if I name you?" I asked hoping she would say yes. "Well I suppose so, please go ahead." She replied. "Ok, how about Winter?" "Its already taken." "Um, snowflake?" "Taken." She said. Just then an incredible name popped in my head. "How about Shiro, it means white in Japanese?" I asked excitedly. "I love it, it's a very beautiful name." She said. "Really?" I asked. "Yup, thank you so much. Would you mind if I went with you?" She asked. "No not at all, why do you need a home?" I asked. "Yes, recently I have been attacked by birds near my home so it's not safe and all my friends homes are full so I can not stay with them." She explained. "Well, feel free to stay with me as long as you like and I mean it, and I will not put you in a cage like a pet, you will get to roam free and just yell my name if something happens." I said. "Oh thank you so much, you are very kind." She said excitedly.

I put my arm down so she could slither up to my shoulders. When she got on my shoulders I got up and started walking again. "Just so you know I live in a house with killers." I said. "Oh, you must live in Slender mansion, right?" She asked. "Yeah, how'd you know?" "Well anyone who lives in the woods has heard about Slenderman and his creepypastas and proxies." She explained. "Yeah, well Slenderman is kinda sorta my.... dad." I said. "Wow that's amazing." She said. "But why do you have wolf ears and a tail?" She asked. "Well technically I'm his adopted daughter, he found me  when I was 4 and has taken care of me ever since then, but my old parents they loved me with all their hearts and one night while I was in bed this man broke in our house and killed them, before my mama died she gave me this locket and told me to run so I ran but the man saw me and he chased me so I lead him into the  woods and I lost him but I wanted to make sure I was safe so I hid in a fox den until I was sure he was gone thats where I met my friends Lyra and her two cubs Danny and Alex, they were very kind but Lyra died about a month ago." I explained. Without even realizing it, I noticed that I was crying. "I am so sorry for your loss, I knew Lyra as well so I know how you feel." Shiro said. "Thank you." I replied. "Okami!!" I heard someone yell. I gasped. "Oh my goodness, Alice, I need to get to her, Shiro I need you to go in my jacket pocket for a second, alright?" I asked. "Oh yes of course, you were kind enough to give me a name so I will happily oblige." She said as I carefully put her in my jacket pocket. I then teleported to a tree near Alice. "I'm here, what's wrong Alice?" I asked as I jumped out of the tree landing next to Alice. She quickly hid behind me as she pointed forward. I saw two boys and a girl that looked to be in the 6th grade.

"Well you three should be ashamed of yourselves, picking on a little girl that's only in the second grade, and you guys are what, 6th grade?" I said with my arms crossed. "Yeah, so what?" The girl said with a bitchy attitude. "Well I suggest you leave her alone and never mess with her again or your parents are going to have a not so good night's sleep." I said as I made a picture of all of their parents appear. All three of the kids looked scared. "O-oh yeah?" Said one of the boys. I took a dagger out of my back pocket and pointed it at the picture. "F-fine, we'll leave her alone!" The girl said and started walking away as well as the boys. "And if I ever find out that you're still bullying her I will personally hurt your parents slowly one by one." I told them. Once I said that they started running out of the woods. "Are you ok Alice?" I asked as I turned towards her. "Yes I'm fine, thank you very much (Y/N)." She said as she smiled at me. When I was about to say something I felt movement in my pocket. I forgot about Shiro. I put my hand in my pocket and carefully bring her out. I look at Alice and she looked scared. "Don't worry Alice, it's ok she won't hurt you." I said smiling at Alice.      "R-really?" She asked. I nodded and crouched down in front of Alice. "It is very nice to meet you Alice." Shiro said. "Shiro said that it was nice to meet you." I translated since only I can hear her. "You can understand her?" Alice asked with a shimmer in her eye. "Yes I can, I can understand a lot of animals, but aren't you glad that those bullies won't bother you anymore?" I asked as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I really hate bullies, they're the worst." Shiro said. "Who said that?" Alice said as she looked around. "Wait, Alice did you just hear what Shiro said?" I asked. "I don't know who Shiro is but I think it was the snake that talked." She said. "Oh my, this is new..." I said as I looked up in frustration. I saw that it was getting kind of late. "Ok I need to get you home Alice before your parents start to worry." I said as I stood up and carefully put Shiro back in my pocket. I picked up Alice and teleported in front of her house. "I will tell you the rest the next time I see you Alice but for now please go inside and don't forget our promise." I said as I gave Alice a hug. "Alright, Dr you later (Y/N)." Alice said before she opened the door. After she got inside I teleported to the front of the mansion. I took Shiro out of my pocket and put her around my neck. "Sorry about not warning you, I just wanted to get Alice home before her parents started to worry about her." I apologized. "Don't worry it's fine." She said. "Alright, welcome to your new home." I said as I walked in to a.....

Hardy har har, tis a cliffhanger you'll just have to wait for the next chapter to see what happened thanks for reading and baaaiiiii

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