Chapter 9

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My new OC, I might add him in a little later, he is gon be your bestest friend

Your POV

I continued to bring in a variety of animals to see if Sally could understand them. It didn't work until I brought in another snake. She could understand it clearly. "Ok, dad, I did a few tests and she can only understand snakes." I said as my tail swished back and forth. "That's good, but let's stop with the tests for now, you need to rest and so does Sally." He said.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some orange juice then." I said as I left the room. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. As I was pouring me a glass of orange juice I felt a demonic presence. Everyone else must have felt it too because the room got tense and they all got their weapons out. The presence started to feel familiar.

"Wait a second... Everyone, calm down, I know who it is!" I ran to the front door and opened it. As soon as the person behind it was revealed I squealed and hugged him. "Luci! I missed you so much!!!" I said.

"I should be the one saying that, I haven't seen you in over a thousand years." He replied as he hugged back. "Well that's your fault for not visiting before I was put to sleep" I said as I pulled away from the hug. "Yea, that is true, and uh, why do you have wolf ears and a tail? Oh no have you been roleplaying again?" He asked.

"No, I wasn't roleplaying but thank you for the idea, and these ears and tail are because of my powers." I explained. "Ah, ok." He said. "Oh, it's just you Luciel." Dad said with a hint of annoyance. "Dad, be nice." I said. "Ah, so good to see ya Slendy, find any dumb kids wandering your forest lately, wait, you got a house full of them." Luci said as he laughed his ass off.

I held back my laughter and kept my happy expression. I opened my mouth to talk but I ended up letting out a small laugh. "Well, except for all the females of course." I added. "So, what has your father been up to lately?" Dad asked.

"I dunno, something stupid or some shit, probably plotting against you like he always does, you know, zalgo-y things..." he said. Everyone had a shocked look on their face, except for me and Dad. "Speaking of which, I've run out of places to stay and I haven't been back home in about 1500 years, soooo, could I stay here?" Luci asked. Before dad could say anything I replied. "Yes!" I said quickly.

"But we don't have any empty rooms." Dad said. "Then he can stay in my room with me." I said. "But where will he sleep?" Dad said trying to come up with another excuse for Luci not to stay here. "He can share my bed, it's big enough and I've shared a bed with him before, remember when I was little and he would sleep over?" I said.

"But-" he started but I cut him off. "I will not take no for an answer father." I said stubbornly. He sighed. "Fine." He said. "Ooh, can I sleep with you too?" Ben said with a smirk. "No." I said and shoved his face away from mine. I grabbed Luci's wrist and pulled him to the kitchen. "Alright Luci, are you ready?" I asked.

He knew all too well what I was talking about. "Oh, I'm ready alright." He said. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and placed it on the counter. I grabbed random foods from the refrigerator and put them in the blender until it was in a smoothie form. I poured it all into the cup and handed it to him. He took the cup and drank every last drop, chunks and all.

"Oh geez, I don't understand how you can do that." I said. "Well it's a process to strengthen your stomach like mi-" he was cut off and his face turned red. I smirked. "What's wrong? Can't handle the heat?" I said. "What... did you.. put in.... here?" He asked as he coughed. "Nothing much, just some mayonnaise, asparagus, carrots, chocolate cake, nightshade berries, and a few... dozen Carolina reapers." I said with a smirk. "You put poisonous berries in here? What if I died!?" He said dramatically. "One, you're a demon, and two, I know you too well, your immune to poison. Wow, who knew the son of the ruler of the underworld couldn't handle a few peppers" I said. He laughed and I started laughing too but I soon felt a pain shoot through my teeth and nails.

"(Y/n)! Are you ok!?" He asked. "Y-yea, I'm fine." I said. The pain in my nails and teeth increased. I was struggling to keep myself up but Luci had kept me standing. The pain had soon subsided and I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw that my teeth had slightly sharpened and I had wolf fangs. I looked at my hands and saw that my nails were claw like.

(Little bit of extreme language in this paragraph)Luci was standing in the doorway. "You look exhausted." He said. "Well, I'm still figuring out powers I never knew I had so that can be a little exhausting." I said with a slight chuckle. "Yea, you should get to bed, I'll go with you." He said. "I will, I just want to shower first." I said. He nodded and walked to my room. I took a shower and went to my room. I layed in my bed next to Luci. "You look like shit." He said. I laughed. "I could say the same to you." I said. "Oh man, I missed this." He said. "Same, glad you came, plus, living with all these people is making me confused about my ssxuality." I said. "Sucks for you." He said with a yawn. "Yea, yea, goodnight cock fucker." I said as I closed my eyes. "Night fuck face." He said and we both fell asleep.
So, i feel like this is the type of relationship you'd have with Luci, mainly because he sorta is a bitchy, cocky person, but his boyfriend makes up for all those things with his adorableness and shy personality. But this was ok-ish, I hope you guys liked this and please Vote

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