Chapter 11

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It was very annoying having Skroll here, he was even worse than Ben and Ben is terrible. Mainly because he's always flirting, but Skroll is way worse. Luci and I followed Dad and Skroll to his office and I sat on Luci as the two talked. "So I know you came to warn me about Zalgo, but why?" Dad asked. "I want protection." He said. "Hah, doubt you'd ever want protection with the way you act." Luci said, I snickered and high fived him. "Hun, can you tell your boyfriend to shut his trap or I'll skin his face and eat it?" Skroll asked. "First, he's not my boyfriend, second, no, third, ew, and fourth, don't fuck with Luci, he is Zalgo's son, but he's way better than Zalgo." I said. "What's the prince of the underworld doing up here?" Skroll asked.

"None of your business." Luci said. "Even the little princess of the under world, what are two children of Zalgo doing in your home, Slenderman?" Skroll asked. "Lazari is here because we are to teach her to control her demon, and Luci is here because my daughter trusts him." Dad said. "Honestly, what do we get in exchange for protecting you?" I asked him. "Zalgo's plan of attack and the day he'll strike." Skroll said nonchalantly. "How in the hell did you get that information?" Dad said. "I have connections, and I can tell you all of his plans up until the next century if I wanted, but you'll have to promise me I'll be protected from Zalgo." Skroll said. "Deal, but if you want protection, you will listen to my rules when you are under my roof." Dad said as he started saying the rules.

"Easy enough, I won't break them." He said. "So now you have protection from Zalgo, now tell us his plans." I said. "He plans to strike on a blood moon, he obviously wants his daughter back, as well as his son, and he plans to ambush any of your pastas or proxies who find themselves alone in your woods so you'll have no one to fight on the day he attacks." Skroll explained. "Dad, if he's telling the truth, then we can't let anyone go out by themselves and we have to prepare." I said. "Yes, you're right, call a meeting in the living room." Dad said. "I have no reason to lie, I'd rather not be killed." Skroll said. I walked to the living room with Luci and blew the air horn for emergency meetings.

I watched as everyone filed into the living room. "All, right everyone, we have information about Zalgo's plans for the possible near future." Dad said. Everyone looked wide eyed but listened closely. "Skroll, you have the floor." Dad said as Skroll stepped forward. "As you all know, I'm not the greatest person to get along with, but we have one common enemy, and that is Zalgo, I had someone working on the inside, got highly ranked in Zalgo's army and now knows every plan for the next hundred years. I have briefed the slender family and they have come up with a plan." He explained.

He walked back and I stood front and center. "As you all know, I have only recently woken up after a 1000 year sleep, some of you may not trust me, but my father and uncles do, here's the plan. We will build an electric fence." I said. They all looked at me confused and I chuckled. "As some of you may know my best friend is the son of Zalgo, he has helped us determine the exact voltage that is lethal. This means it will be lethal for him and Lazari as well, but he knows the risk, it's going to be an invisible fence so we need some way of marking it so neither of them walk into it, yet the voltage is so low that it would feel like someone shocking you from the static." I said as I looked around the room. "How does that work?" Jeff asked. "When someone converts to be ruled by Zalgo, he does something to them to make them true residents of the underworld, it's weird, I know, but thats apparently how it works and I'm not gonna question the words of my best friend." I said as I held Luci's arm.

"Thank you (y/n), now, any questions?" Dad asked. No one raised their hands except Sally. "Slendy, is this gonna butt into my tea party schedule?" She asked. We all chuckled. "No, but I'm giving you a very important job, you have to spend lots of time with Lazari and Luci, as well as help (y/n) if she needs your help." He said. Sally did a little salute and I smiled. "Alright, you are all dismissed and I will inform you of your jobs later." Dad said. Everyone went back to what they were doing before the meeting and I picked up Lazari and Sally. "So Sally, when's your next tea party?" I asked. "Hmm, well, it's supposed to be in a few hours, but I guess I could postpone that meeting with my stuffed animals and bump the tea party up to in about 30 minutes." She said. I smiled and started walking towards Sally's room. "Come on Luci." I said. "Splendy, Jane, Lulu, come on, I bumped up the tea party time." Sally yelled.

Sorry for the long long long wait, I've been really really busy, and it's been hard to find inspiration for this story, but I was able to finish this chapter and I'll try to write more.

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