Chapter 7

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Your POV

I walked up to the guy. "So, what are you doing here Bloody Painter?" I asked. "How'd you know?" He asked me. "Well I found out at the last second and it was pretty obvious with the way you were dressed and I could tell from your scent." I explained. "Scent?" He questioned. "Its the wolf genes." I stated. "Oh." Was all he said. "Why did you follow me?" I asked. "Well, I saw you leave and was curious to where you were going and I was bored." He said. "Well we should head back, I need to sleep if I have to deal with Jane telling me what to do tomorrow." I said. "Yeah, I'm getting kind of tired as well." He sad. "Hey Jackson, we're gonna leave, this guy is one of my dads pastas so we're gonna head home." I said to Jackson. "Yeah, see you later (y/n), and new guy, come back with her anytime, you're pretty good." Jackson said waving as we left. When we got outside BP looked at me for a sec. "How do you know that guy so well, didn't you wake up like a day or two ago?" He asked. "Well I've known Jackson since I was 14, a lot of the people that were in there today have magic abilities so they use their abilities so they don't age, it takes a toll on their energy and it takes them awhile to recharge after preforming a spell." I explained. He made in 'O' shape with his mouth as he nodded, telling me he understood. I grabbed BP's shoulder and covered his eyes with my hand. Befire he could say anything I teleported us back to the house. Me and BP climb back up the roof and go to our room windows which were conveniently right next to each other. "See ya in the morning." I said to Bloody Painter. "Yeah, you too." He said as he entered his room. I stepped into my room and changed into my pajamas which was just an oversized shirt and some sweatpants (sorry if you don't like sweatpants) and I plopped down on my bed. I grabbed my body pillow of (fav. male anime character) and pulled him close. "Oh (f/ac), how I've missed you so, I've dreamt of you everyday as I slept and when we would be reunited again." I said to my beautiful body pillow boi. I cuddled with him and soon fell asleep.

Time skip ~cockadoodledoo~

Jane POV

(Y/n) was late for breakfast so I went to go see what she was doing. I went into her room and saw her asleep in her bed hugging a body pillow of some anime guy. I then thought if something hilarious to do to her. I carefully grabbed the pillow from her arms and put it in front of me blocking my body. I then shook her slightly to wake her up just a little. She started to wake up. "(Y/n), wake up, I'm waiting for my good morning kiss." I said in a slightly deep voice. "Oh (f/ac) I love you with all my heart, give me the good morning kiss you beautiful boi." She said in a sleepy voice. When she leaned in I shoved the pillow in her face and rubbed it around. She immediately woke up and shot up and yelled. "What the hell?!?!" I looked at her with a smile on my face and leaned over her. "Come on pup, get ready for another day of of being my slave." I said with a grin on my face.

Your POV

I woke up to a pillow being smothered in my face. I looked up and saw Jane looming over me. "Come on pup, get ready for another day of being my slave." She said with a grin on her face. Oh how I wanted to smack that grin off her face, but if I did that she would probably make me do something embarrassing. "Yes master." I said with a scowl. I got up and motioned for Jane to get out of the room so I could get changed. She left and I grabbed the maid dress and and put it on, along with the socks and shoes. I left my room and went down to find Jane. I found her in the living room talking with Sally who had Shiro with her. "Morning Jane, Sally, Shiro." I said with a yawn. "Good morning." They all replied. "Are you ok, (y/n)?" Shiro asked. I lied to cover up the fact that I left last night and had a rap battle with BP. "Yeah, I just had a hard time falling asleep last night ." I then remembered that Bloody Painter knows about the club. "Excuse me for a second, I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." I said. "Yeah, go ahead." Jane said. As soon as she said that I ran up stairs towards Bloody Painter's room. I got to his door and knocked frantically. The door opened up to a sleepy angry Bloody Painter. "What is it (y/n)?" He asked with a slight growl. I pushed him into the room and closed the door behind me. "You can't tell anyone about the club or rapping or anything." I said as I grabbed his shoulders. He looked at me and asked. "Why not?" I gripped his shoulders. "Because that place is like safe haven for me and if anyone were to find out about it, it wouldn't be my thing anymore. So I'm trusting that you won't tell anyone about it, right?" I said, tightening my grip on his shoulders. I had a dark aura around me and I felt the fear coming from BP. He nodded and winced at my grip. I released his shoulders. "Good!" I said with a smile on my face as I opened the door and skipped out of the room back down to Jane.

This is all I'm going to write for now because I'm running low on inspiration for this book and I need to find more, I usually get inspiration from reading other peoples stories and it helps me come up with my own ideas so if you would like me to write more in this book I would really appreciate it if you could send suggestions through the Private Messages. But anyway I will try to write another chapter and then I'm sorry it took me a while to write this one but I hope you liked this chapter.

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