Chapter 5

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I freaking love Mystic Messenger, Yoosung, Jumin, V, Saeyung, Saeran, Jaehee, and Zen  are my baes, I love them so.

Last time:
"Alright, welcome to your new home." I said as I walked in to.....

Your POV

   A perfectly normal boring mansion. Ben was sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty:Black Ops II, EJ was in the kitchen eating a kidney, Masky and Hoodie were also in the kitchen eating cheesecake, LJ was sitting next to Ben eating candy, and I think everyone else was either out killing or in their rooms. I went towards the living room by LJ and Ben and sat next to LJ. "Hey LJ can I have some candy?" I asked as I sat down. He turned towards me and had a surprised look on his face. "Yeah sure, but what's with the snake?" He asked. "Oh her, this is Shiro I found her when I went to take a walk and she had been attacked by birds and couldn't go home so I brought her here and now she is living with me in my room and she is free range so please tell everyone else so they don't freak out if they see her slithering around." I said as Shiro started to slither down my arm and onto my lap. LJ gave me a piece of candy and placed his hand on my lap waiting for Shiro to slither on. She looked at me and gave a look asking if it was ok. I nodded and she slithered onto his hand cautiously. As I unwrapped the piece of candy LJ stopped me before I ate it. "Oh and before you eat the candy and Slendy kills me for killing you, there is poison in the candy, just warning you in case you want to be poisoned." He said. "I've experimented with many poisons, poisonous plants and venomous animals before, air born, ingested, injections, bites you name it and I have survived so I'm immune." I explained. "So what poison did you use?" I asked when I put the candy in my mouth. "I made the candy with deadly nightshade." He said. "Really? Wow, this is delicious. Did you know that tomatoes potatoes and eggplants are part of the nightshade family." I said. "Wow, no I did not know that." He said as he rubbed the side of his claw against Shiro's head making sure not to scratch her. "Well I mean if I learn about poisons and venoms then I need to learn about the history and background of the poison or venom." I explained. "Well now I have a friend that can eat my candy without dying so that'll be fun." He said as he handed Shiro back to me. "Thanks for the candy but I have to go find Jane, have you seen her?" I asked as I stood up and carefully placed Shiro in sweater pocket so she could warm up. "Yeah, she chased Jeff until he barricaded himself in his room and then she came back down to get Sally and they headed towards Sally's room." He said. I waved and headed towards Sally's room which I assumed was the one with the bright pink door with teddy bear stickers on it. I knocked on the slightly open door and heard a 'come in'. I walked in and sat next to Sally on her bed. "Hey Sally, do you want to meet my new friend?" I asked. "Ooohh yes please." She said. "Ok before I bring her out I want to tell you that she is a snake but she is very friendly and won't hurt you so don't get scared alright?" I  explained before I brought Shiro out. The only reply I got from her was a nod. I brought Shiro out and placed her on my lap. "Sally this is Shiro, she is very friendly. And Jane I know you're hiding under the bed and I won't tickle you anymore so please come out." I said. "Damn how'd you know where I was?" Jane asked as she crawled out from under Sally's bed. "These wolf ears really give my hearing a boost so I could hear your breathing and your heart beat." I explained. I patted next to me on Sally's bed signaling Jane to sit down. "Jane this is Shiro." I said pointing at Shiro. "Wow she is a really beautiful snake." Jane said. "Yeah she's really pretty!" Sally said happily. I put one hand on Jane's shoulder and the other on Sally's shoulder. "Thank you so much, you're very kind." Shiro said. "Who said that!" Jane said in a slightly panicked tone. "Don't worry, it was Shiro that talked, I discovered a new ability while I was out on a walk and I wanted to test it out." I said while smiling. "Wait, so now me and Jane can hear what Shiro is saying too?" Sally asked. "Yup! Oh by the way, Jane I have I new dare for you." I laughed evilly. "Gah! Damn it, I knew I wasn't getting out of the room if you were in here." Jane said passively. "And you knew right!" Sally said "What do you want me to do?" Jane asked. "I dare you to show this video to my father." I said as I hold up my phone showing her the video.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?! I am NOT showing that video to Slendy." She refused. "You have to. It's your punishment for making me play the pocky game with Hoodie." I said, not letting her get out of this. "I said no." She said as she started to pout. "Please, and if you do it successfully I will be your personal maid for the rest of today, tomorrow, and the day after that with a maid dress and all and I'll call you master and I'll do whatever you say." I said almost begging. I mean this is just to see if it'll get a reaction out of dad. "Well in that case, where's Slendy? I got a dare to complete!" She said excitedly as she leaves the room. "Oh my goodness, what did I just get myself into? I need to hide right now." I said as I panicked. "(Y/N)! Calm down. Besides I think you'll look adorable as maid, especially with the ears and tail." Sally said while rubbing my back to calm me down. "Awww thanks Sally, your so sweet, that makes me feel a bit better now, but I should probably tell my dad so he doesn't freak out over the situation." I said. "Oh and Sally would you mind looking after Shiro for tonight, I promise I'll come get her in the morning?" I asked. "Sure, I think it'll be fun, right Shiro?" Sally said as she looked at Shiro. "Yes I think it'll be fun as well!" Shiro said. I gave Shiro to Sally and teleported to Dad and Jane and just in time to cause Jane just finished showing him the video. "Ok, so dad don't get mad at her, I dared her to show you the video." I said. "W-well that was an interesting experience, I think I'm going to go contemplate my existence now." Dad said before he teleported somewhere else. "Oh my gosh, Jane you made my dad go all emo, and I've seen it happen once and I didn't think it could happen again but you did it so the dare is complete and I guess I have to get changed now." I said as I started walking towards my room.

           "Wait (Y/N)!" Jane called. "Yes?" I asked as I turned, hopeful that she wouldn't make me do it. "Make sure its one of the short maids dresses, oh and what about your dad?" She asked. "Yes I'll wear the short maid dress but my dad, he'll be like that for a few days so don't worry but before I change I'll go check on him." I replied. "OK, see in a few minutes." She said as she smirked. "Yes master." I mumbled in an irritated tone.

And scene, thank I you, thank you, I know I probably ended it too early but still I'll continue soon, bai!

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