What is the true meaning of women?
Honestly I don't know.
And here's the part of this story where I just ramble about things.
So in order to find out the true meaning of "women", I did the most basic thing, I split the word.
Now here's what is amazing about what I did.
Get it.
"Wo" and "Men"
So everyone knows men. If you don't then..........I'm worried for you......
Anyways, so there is the "w" and "o" left.If you think of "wo", it's stands for "without".
Putting it together is "without men".
So the word women.....is literally just a way to call certain females single and lonely.
Okay, I had to find out what men stand for to see if I can make this more interesting.....
I did not.
The top rated for what men stood for was Mende.
And this is what Mende means:
Yeahhhhh, that ended that research.
But then I decided not to give up so I searched on urban dictionary. That was a mistake.
The only sentence I could get that wasn't going to be offensive, racist, or non gender equality was:
"The other half of the population."So back to "wo".
So it's gonna be "without the other half of the population". I'm not gonna say my opinions so you can say what you want about that.
But my "researching" didn't end there.
I looked at other urban dictionary definitions for men and it's hilarious.
Unlike my dry humor.
Am I going to type out all the definition....
I've been typing this instead of doing homework so I gotta move on.
Check out the definitions, it's funny. Comment what you found if you even looked.
I just realized that this looks like an advertisement for urban dictionary.
Well too late now.