Don't Let Me Go

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Don't Let Me Go

This is the first fanfic I've ever written before so I'm sorry if it's not very good. I know the chapters aren't very long, but in my opinion, I think they're pretty good (maybe?). I really love One Direction and reading fanfics about them so I thought, why can't I write my own? I tried, and this is what happened... Enjoy :)


Chapter 1

I still regret picking up the phone that day. I remember every word of our conversation. I remember how much pain it brought me. I remember the way he spoke to me. Right away, I could tell something wasn't right. I just couldn't tell what it was. Well, in my heart, I knew. I didn't want to except it.

"He's gone..."

My vision became blurry and my knees became weak. How could this be happening? Why? My whole life was falling apart. He was everything to me.

Harry and I had been dating for about a year and half before his diagnosis. That was nine months ago. He'd been fighting this battle for nine months. Nine long, painful, awful months. Somehow he managed to keep a smile on his face every minute of the day. He had his ups and downs. With his form of cancer, somedays he felt great, and others he was fighting to stay alive.

I had only left the hospital twenty minutes ago. How could his health decline that much in that short of a time period? So many thoughts raced through my head. I didn't know what to think, say, or do. I didn't really know anything at that point. All, I knew was that Harry was gone and he wasn't coming back.

I got in my car. The first thing I saw was a picture of Harry and I resting on the dashboard. I proper it up. The tears were coming now, and fast. I sat there for a couple minutes trying to compose myself enought to drive. Once I was ready, I rushed back to the hospital as quickly as I could. All I could think about was the fact that I would never see my bestfriend, and boyfriend, ever again.

I ran out of my car and to my friends as quickly as I could. Zayn was talking to one of the doctors. He was trying to stay strong even though inside, he felt like breaking down. That's the type of person he was.

Niall and Liam were sitting in the lobby. Their eyes filled with sadness, turned to look at me as the heavy glass door swung open. Seeing them so distraught made me cry even harder than I already was. I could tell they wanted to comfort me but they just couldn't. How do you comfort someone when you need comforting too?

Louis's eyes were red and puffy. I could tell that it hurt him to have to make that phone call. I threw my arms around him and held him for what seemed like a lifetime. I knew it would be hardest on him. Harry and the others all had a bond like none I've ever seen, but he and Louis's was just different.

"I'm so sorry..." Louis mumbled sadly.

What was there to be sorry for? It wasn't his fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. There wasn't anyone to blame for Harry's cancer.

"I know how much he ment to you. Before he..."

He started to sob.

"... left, he gave me this letter to give to you."

I took the neatly folded note. It was written on lemon yellow paper, my favourite colour.

"I haven't read it..." Louis added.

I gave Louis a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." I replied, with tears filling my eyes.

I sat down in one of the navy blue plush chairs in the lobby. I opened the letter slowly and carefully. I took a deep breath and started to read.

"My dearest Morgan,

I'm not sure where to start, so I'll just go with what my heart tells me to write. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me. Your smile brings me joy on the darkest of days. I love the way you make me feel whenever I'm around you. I don't know how to describe the feeling, but it's a good one,"

I giggled.

"You made me realise what true love is. It's you. You are everything to me. You're my bestfriend, my one and only, my happiness, and so much more. If you're reading this, it means I've left this Earth. I want to make sure you'll be okay, so I told Louis to look after you. I know he will. I know that you'll eventually move on, and find someone else. You don't have to stay stuck in the past forever, but please remember me. Whatever you do, don't let me go. I love you more than words can describe."

- Harry

The tears seemed to flow endlessly. I wasn't holding back anything.

"I'll always remember you..." I whispered.


And that's the end of chapter 1. Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts, good or bad. I have a lot written, so for now, I'll have a chapter up about everyday. Thank you sooooo much! Until next time, bye!


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