Chapter 9

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Before I start, I want to make a shoutout to @Immarryingniall for reading this story and giving me feedback! It's really helpful! Thank you so much :)

What did Gemma say to Louis? It must've been pretty bad for him to not even tell me. I though Gemma and I were practically sisters. Now I'm starting to question that.

Oh no. She's gonna tell Anne! What if she gets her to hate me too? Having Gemma mad at me hurt, but Anne? I don't know what I'd do if she hated me.

I kind of worried myself to sleep that night, if that's even possible.

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone. 4 missed calls from Gemma, 3 from Louis, 2 texts from Niall, 6 texts from Zayn, 1 text from Eleanor, and 1 text from Anne.

What happened last night? What could I possibly have missed in the 7 hours I was asleep?

I started with Eleanor.

From: Eleanor

Louis said he was worried about u so I thought I'd check up on u :)

I told her I was fine. Hmm, why was he so worried?

Next, Niall.

He said basically the same thing as Eleanor.

Then Zayn.

He said about the same thing as Eleanor and Niall except his had a lot more "I-love-you's" in it.

Last was Louis.

From: Did Gemma call u and did u answer it?

I replied with:

Yeah. She called 4 times but I was sleeping. Why?

There was a knock at the door. It was Louis. People seemed to be randomly showing up at my door lately.

"Hey Lou. What's wrong." I answered.

"Gemma is being a complete bitch so don't listen to her." he said in and angry tone.

Wow. Louis only swore when he was REALLY upset, REALLY happy, or REALLY drunk. He didn't sound happy and it was too early to start drinking so he was definitely really upset.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She said some... Not very nice things, about you, and me, and Harry."

"What did she say?"

"I'll tell you, but please don't think they're true and don't go around telling everyone about it, please?"

"I won't. So, what was it?"

"She said that, you were an awful person for moving on so fast and that Harry must've been drunk or high when he asked you out. I told her to stop and that you felt awful enough as it was. I also said that you were far from forgetting him, you never will. She said that I was an ignorant idiot for sticking up for you. Then she said that..."

He stopped.

"...Harry would've been better off dating me or "Cougar Caroline" instead of you. She said she thought we would've ended up together anyways... Then she called you a pathetic whore. I'm sorry..."

What? Where did that come from? I thought we were friends? What about all the times we went to the mall together, or the time where we blasted "Call Me Maybe" so loud that the neighbours were just about ready to kill us? Did she remember any of that?

I didn't know how to feel. Part of me wanted to cry. Another part of me wanted to call her and express how angry I was. But what hurt the most, was the part of me that wanted to go to Gemma and apologise. I wasn't the one who needed to be sorry, she was. That's the type of person I am. When I get into a fight with someone, I'm always the first to apologise, even when I shouldn't be.

I started crying, again. I'm so sick of this! I don't want to cry, or be hurt anymore. I was done.

Louis put his arm around me. I dodged it.

"Just don't..." I said as I was walking away.

I ran to Harry's room and shut the door. I threw myself on the bed. I picked up a pillow and put over my face and start screaming and crying into it.

I stopped freaking out for a few minutes and walked over to the dresser. There was a picture of us on it. I had my arms around his neck and he was kissing me on the cheek. We took pictures like that a lot. We were in love and we didn't care who saw or what they thought of us.

I picked it up over my head and threw it on the ground. The glass shattered and the wooden frame broke in two. The picture remained undamaged.

I picked it up and sat back down on the bed.

"I miss you Harry. I love you so much. I hate this. I know you probably can't hear me, but if somehow you can, I need you. I wish you were here. Your sister hates me and your mum probably will too. The boys have been really supportive though. Especially Louis. He tried to stick up for me and take care of me. Liam's been Liam. You know him, daddy direction! Always taking care of everyone! Niall's been great too. He likes to check up on me a lot. Then there's Zayn. He's been really sweet. He's the only reason I was able to make it through your funeral without completely falling apart. He asked me out you know? I said yes. I hope you're not mad. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have. I'm sorry."

I giggled at myself.

"Look at me, I'm talking to a picture. I'm a mess."

"No you're not." Louis said. He was standing in the door way.

I forgot to lock the door. I didn't realise he was standing there the whole time.

Louis walked over to the bed and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. It just seems like my whole world is falling apart and there's no way to put it back together. I just wish Harry was still here. Everyone hates me, even me." I said. I ment every word of it.

"Don't say that. So many people love you! Eleanor is always saying how great of a friend you are, Niall refers to you as his "BFF", Liam thinks you're such a sweet girl, which you are. You and Danielle are always hanging out when you can, Kennedy (my bestfriend from America) has been friends with you for like 10 years so she must like you, Anne loves you and there's no changing that. I love you so much too. You're like my little sister! Even my mum thinks you're adorable! And Zayn, he adores you. You mean everything to him. He's loved you for so long. Even when you too were just friends, he talked about you all the time! He was so jealous of Harry, he a good reason to be. You're such a great girl Morgan. I just wish you could see that." he said.

He made me cry even more!

"Are you okay now?" he asked.

"Yeah. You know, you should be a therapist someday..." I said laughing through the tears.

There was a long pause.

"Wanna go watch Toy Story 3?" I asked.


He ran so fast to the tv. He nearly taking out the kitchen table in the process!

I loved that boy. He could make me laugh and make me smile when it feels like everything is falling apart. He was such an idiot. That's part of what made me love him, like a brother of course. That's how our relationship was. I felt happy again. This time, I think it'll last for a while.

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