Chapter 12

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"I should probably call her shouldn't I?" I asked.

"I don't know babe. If you want to make sure she doesn't completely hate you and Gemma wasn't telling her a bunch of lies about you, I would." Zayn said.

"I think you should. What if she told her something really bad? Like you stole a bike from Wal-Mart!" Niall said.

"What?!" Zayn and I said at the same time.

Sometimes I wonder just how many screws are loose in that boy's head...

"Well if I were her, I wouldn't want my daughter to be hanging out with a Wal-Mart robbing, bike stealer..." Niall said.

"You have a point..." Zayn said.

Okay then...

"But seriously, call her..." Niall added.

"I will..."

My stomach was in knots. I felt like I was going to be sick.

I picked up my phone and stared at it for a minute or two. I played with the little gems on the case. I really did not want to make this phone call, but I had to.

It started ringing.

"Hello?" Anne answered.

"Um, hi. It's Morgan..."

"Oh, hi sweetheart!" She didn't seem mad. That's good.

"Did Gemma ,talk to you recently, about me?"

"Well, yes. She said a couple of things that I didn't really believe. I hope they aren't true."

"Oh well, what were they?" I asked. I already knew what it was.

"That you never loved Harry. I knew that was most definatley a lie. And you replaced Harry with Zayn. I would believe that you were dating Zayn, but not replacing Harry. You're allowed to date other people so I wasn't mad about that."

Wow. This was easier than I thought. She completely understood how I was feeling.

"Sometimes you can't exactly believe everything Gemma says. When she gets upset, she tends to say things she doesn't mean."

Yeah, I can tell.

"Like once when her and Harry were younger, she told him she wished we would've put him up for adoption and he was worse than Alyssa. She was one of their cousins that neither of them particularly liked. She likes to make other people feel the same way as her. I hope you can forgive her."

"I have. We talked about it, and we're better now. I was just afraid youbwould be angry with me."

"Of course not. Do really think I would've believed any of those things Gemma said? If did, I would've called you straight way. I love you like my own daughter Morgan. I wouldn't be mad at you."

"Thank you." I said.

"No, thank you." she paused. "Well, Good luck with Zayn and I'm glad everything is well between you and Gemma. Talk to you soon love. Bye."


I felt a lot better after I got off the phone with Anne. I had gotten the reassurance I needed. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could finally be Zayn's girlfriend without hurting anyone. Well, except the "fans". There were always a few who got upset each time one of the boys starting dating someone new.

"Is everything okay?" Zayn asked.

"Yep. Everythings fine. She wasn't mad."

"Yaaaaaaaaay!!" Niall yelled.

"Thanks for the enthusiasm Niall!" I said sarcastically.

"Anytime..." he said.

"So now that everythings all good and dandy, wanna finally go out on our first date next week?" Zayn asked.

Wow. I've been so distracted lately that I hadn't even realised that Zayn and I haven't actually gone out on a proper date yet.

"I'd love to."

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