Chapter 3

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Louis had his arms wrapped around Eleanor. I'm not sure if Zayn did it because he wanted to or because El an Lou were doing it, but he put his arms around me too.

"We should be there in 20 minutes..." Louis said, trying not to cry... Again.

He's been doing that all day. I can tell that he didn't want anyone to see him cry. He wanted to stay strong for Harry.

"It's okay to cry you know Lou..." I mumbled through the tears.

"I just... He always thought I was strong, but..." Louis said.

He bursted into tears. So did I.

Zayn pulled me in closer. Eleanor sat there while Louis layed devistated in her arms. There was no emotion on her face whatsoever. That was who she was. She rarely ever cried.

The rest of the ride was silent.

"We're here," Zayn announced.

We stepped out of the midnight black car. We were greeted by Niall, Liam, and Danielle. Zayn grabbed my hand. We made our way to the entrance of the cemetery.

I froze.

"I can't go in there Zayn. I just can't do it!" I screamed.

I was in hysterics. I tried to run away, but Zayn quickly grabbed my arm.

"Babe, look at me! You can do this. You're strong." Zayn said. He was still holding my arms.

"No Zayn, I'm not!" I pulled them away.

"Harry was strong! Now that he's gone, I have no strength left! Everyone keeps saying that it'll be okay, but it won't be! When they bury Harry, my whole life will be gone! He was everything to me!"

I completely broke down. The tears were flowing. They showed no signs of stopping. I just couldn't do it anymore.

Zayn brought me over to an old oak tree. We sat underneath it for a few minutes in silence. I think he wanted me to just get it all out. I definatley did. He grabbed my hand again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"He loved you. He really loved you. Somedays, I think you were the only thing keeping him alive."

I gazed up at his face. I could barely see anything through the tears.

"He would be so proud of you. He's probably smiling down on you right now."

A smile danced it's way across my face, tears soon followed.

"I love you Zayn. Thank you."

I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled.

"Are you ready?" he asked me.

I shook my my head, even though I wasn't.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short. It just seemed like a good way to end it. Thank you for reading! I'd love to hear your comments, if you have any.

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