Chapter 13

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"Can I look now?" I asked.

"Nope! Not until I tell you to!" Zayn replied.


He wanted to make this date special so he was trying to be cute by not letting me see where he was taking me. He's seen a lot of chick flicks...

"I feel like I'm being kidnapped..." I mumbled.

"What?!" he said, laughing.

"Well I'm being taken against my will to a secret location and I can't open my eyes!"

We laughed and listened to the radio for about 20 more minutes.

"We're here!" Zayn said.

"Finally!" I shouted.

He got out of the car and opened my door. He grabbed my hand and led me off.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Try to guess." he said back.

"Aww! You know I'm terrible at guessing!"

"Just try."

"Fine. Is it a romantic picnic under the stars like they do in the movies?"


Wow. That was honestly the only thing though it could've been.

"Okay. Is it camping, because if it is, I hate camping. Please don't be camping."

Zayn laughed.

"No, it's not camping. I hate camping too. I mean, do you know how many mirrors are in the forest? Not many..."

I laughed.

"I got nothing. I'm all out of guesses."

"Then you'll just have to wait until we get there to find out."

We walked for a while longer until we got to where he was leading me.

"You can open your eyes now."

There was a red and white checkered blanket set out on the grass under a pine tree. A picnic basket was sitting on top of it.

"I thought you said it wasn't a picnic?"

"I said it wasn't a picnic like the ones from the movies."

I smiled. He's so adorable.

We sat down and had our picnic. He made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Grape jelly that is.

"You're such a great cook Zayn!" I said half sarcastically.

"I know right! I bet if I applied, I could into that fancy French resturaunt in that movie "Ratatouille". What's it called again...".

"It's called Gusteau's and there's a few problems with that. A, it's a fictional place, B, I think the only people who really work there are rats, and C, it would involve you moving to France and I'm not about to let that happen anytime soon."

He smiled up at me. He moved his lips closer to mine until they finally met.

"I love you. I really love you. I don't know how I got so lucky to find a girl like you. There's thousand of girls out there who would love to go out with, I'm not really sure why, but they do. None of them even compare to you. Nothing, compares to you. Not even heaven itself. You are my heaven."

Aww! The girl in me wanted to let out an obnoxious squeal.

"You're so sweet. That's exactly why I fell in love with you in the first place. You're everything to me. You saved me in every way a person could be saved." Did I really just quote Titanic? "When I felt hurt and upset, you were there to dry my tears. When I had a complete meltdown, you were there to whack the pills out of my and wrap me up in your arms. Thank you for everything. I love you."

He pulled me into his arms and laid down on the blanket.

"I always like laying out under the stars. It's so calm and relaxing." he said.

"I guess I never really have before. I like it." I said.

"How many stars do you think are out tonight?" he asked.

"I don't know, three billion and four!" I said jokingly.

"I'm gonna guess three billion and five!"

"I bet I'm gonna be right!" I said.

"No, I am. Wanna know why?"

"And why is that Mr. Malik?" I said with a French accent. I'm not entirely sure why I added the accent.

"You forgot to count yourself."

I hugged his chest even tighter.

I love this. I love this day. I love that boy. I love us. I love my life. It finally had a meaning again. It was him. It was Niall, Liam, and Louis. It was Eleanor and Danielle. It was Anne and Gemma. It was everyone and everything who helped me get through, but not over Harry.

We laid out under the stars talking about everything and nothing at the same time for hours. I could've stayed there for days if you let me.

I was finally where I belonged, in his arms, happy and loved.

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