Epilogue - The Notes

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Danielle's note

These last few months have been really crazy. I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I know it was hard for you. Honestly, I feel like I didn't do enough to comfort you through all of this.

I'm so proud of you for staying so strong. There were a few breakdowns, which is understandable, but look at you now! Your such an amazing person. Never forget that!

Love, Dani :)

Eleanor's note

Morgan! I can't express how happy I am for you! You and Zayn are absolutley adorable together! When I see you two together, I can't help go "aww!". You're going to be together for a really long time, I know it!

I also want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what has happened in the last few months. When I found out about Harry's passing, I was devastated. I can't even imagine how you felt. I'm glad you were able to recover from all of this. If you ever need me for anything, no matter what it is, I'm here for you.

Love you girl!

-Eleanor :D

Gemma's note

Between losing Harry and fighting with you, I've been a complete mess these last few months. When I'm upset, I tend to take it out on the people who are only trying to help, like I did to you. I'm so sorry for any pain or trouble I have caused you. I love you like a sister I never had, Morgan. Families fight, but in the end you know they love eachother. I really do wish the best for you in life. Wether it be with Zayn or not. If he makes you happy, stay with him. No matter what, you never let him go. You're a great girl and you've been so strong through all of this. You should be so proud of yourself!


Anne's note

Thank you. Thank you for taking care of my baby boy. Thank you for staying by his side even when things started to get worse. You really are an angel. You made him so happy. When he called me while he was on tour, he'd find some way to bring up you in our conversation. He loved you more than anything. I can see why he loved you too. You are an amazing young woman. You have an incredible amount of strength and such a kind heart. I am proud of everything you've done and the way you carried yourself through all of this. Honestly, I love you like a daughter. You have become part of our family. Even though Harry is gone, I still want to keep in touch with you. See you soon love!


Liam's note

Seeing as this note is important, I've decided to use proper English :) Anyways, your amazing! Your really nice and so caring. Even when you were upset you still made sure everyone else was okay. I can certainly tell why Harry liked you. I'm so glad I know you. You really are one of a kind, in a good way of course! Thank you for everything you've done for all of us in the past couple of years. I know this is really short, I just can't put into words how much I appreciate you! I just want you to know how much I care about you and I'll always be here for you.


Niall's note

Hey sexi bestie! I can't believe everything that's happened. Losing Harry must have been so difficult for you, as it was for me. There were tears, there were fights, and there were some major shockers. Shocker... Well, it really wasn't much of a shock to me. I already knew about Zayn's little crush on you. Honestly I found it adorable. When he first told me I was like "I ship it". :)

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