Chapter 8

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There was a knock at the door. I don't even want to get the door. I'm so scared of what Louis is going to tell me.

I answered the door. I had to, of course.

"You and Zayn? Really? Thats really soon don't you think?" he said before I could even finish opening the door.

"Hello to you too, Louis." I said sarcastically.

"So, how did it happen? How'd he ask you?"

"Well he came over and he asked if I was ready to go out with him because I wasn't before and..."

"Wait, he asked you out before?"

"Well, he accidentally told me he loved me at the funeral the other day."


"Yeah. Well, I said I was too screwed up to go out with him and he deserved better than me. Then he said a bunch of sweet things and kissed me... Twice."

"Aww! That's adorable! He's such a charmer..."

"He is..." I said agreeingly.

"Do think it's too soon, or..." I asked.

"Well, that's up to you my friend. If you really love him, and you feel okay enough to except that Harry is gone, I'd say it's fine and go for it. I think it might help to have a guy in your life. Besides, Zayn is such a sweetheart. He'd never do anything to hurt you. I wouldn't let him!"

We laughed.

"I think I'm ready. I'm just afraid of what other people will think. Especially Anne and Gemma..." I said.

I think Gemma's going to be mad at me. She might feel like I'm forgetting about her brother when really, I'm far from it. I'll never forget Harry.

Then there's Anne. I just feel bad for her. She's like my mother when I can't see my own. I want her to approve of my decisions.

"Well If I were you, I'd tell them before anyone else did."

"You're right..."

I just sat there.

"So, are you gonna do it now?"

Ugh, I didn't want to make this phone call.

"Fine. But I'm scared..."

"It'll be fine. You can do it babe!"

I smiled and took my phone out of my pocket.

"I'll call Gemma now..."

It started ringing. Oh god... What am I going to say?!

"Hello? Morgan?" she said. She sounded like she was glad I called, like she was waiting for me to call.

"Yeah it's me. Hi!" I said.

"I'd been meaning to call you. I read something online that I wanted to ask you about."

Oh my god. What? Did people know we were together already? How?

"Oh, really? What is it?"

"It was an article about you and Zayn. There's been rumors that you two are dating or something like that. There were pictures too. He had his arm around you, and he was kissing you on the forehead, and then he was leaving your house. Look, tell me the truth. Are you two, together?"

"Well, um, you see..."

"So you are?"

"Well I wouldn't say we were dating..."

"Do you love him?"

"Do I love Zayn? Well I..."

Louis had his face shoved into a pillow and he was dying of laughter. It wasn't funny!

"You do. Okay, so do you want to date him?"

"Well I, it's just, I can't, but..."

"Morgan, what I'm getting out of this is you love Zayn and you want to go out with him but you're too scared to. You feel like it's too soon. Honestly, I agree."

"That's, exactly it. It's just, he already asked me and I said..."

"Yes?! You said yes?! Already?! You are dating?!"

She sounded really upset.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

Louis gave me some hand signal that I'm guessing ment Something along the lines of "Don't be sorry. She should be!"

"No. Don't be. I'm sorry, for Harry. I gotta go." Gemma said. She was VERY mad now.

"Gemma, don't."

"Why Morgan? It's been less than 4 weeks since Harry died and you've already got him replaced? I thought you love him? How could you?!"

I could barely breathe. I couldn't talk either. Gemma was like my sister, and one of my bestfriends. I really hurt her. I started crying again.

"Morgan give me the phone!" Louis yelled.

He grabbed the phone from my hand and left the room.

I knew this would happen. Just when things start to get a little bit better, they fall apart again. I can't live like this anymore!

After about 10 minutes, Louis came back. He was really mad. When I say really, I mean REALLY mad.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

He didn't answer.


No answer.

"Louis. Answer me! What did Gemma say to you?" I screamed. I felt bad for yelling at him.

"If she calls you back, don't answer. Call me. Got it?" he said.

"Oh, okay..." I agreed.

He handed me back the phone and left.

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