Part 1 - The Battle

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“Finally I can finish my project!” Eggman said. “The ultimate weapon is finished! No one can stop me now! Not Sonic, not Shadow, no one!” After he said that he started to power up his weapon. Unfortunately for Eggman, the wall suddenly blasted open which caused a lot of smoke and dust, what made him unable to see the ones who were responsible. “What was that!!!” Eggman screamed. Than they stood there: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Cheese, Cosmo, Rouge, and Shadow.

“Too late,” Eggman said. “I’ve already finish the weapon. And you won’t stop me this time!”

Eggman pressed a button “Robots, ATTACK!!!”

After that hundreds of robots appeared while Eggman got away with his weapon.

“He’s escaping!” Tails yelled. “He’s not important right now.” Sonic said. “We always beat him. But now we have to concentrate on beating this army of robots.”

They all fought against the robots till they where all shut off or totally smashed.

“Alright,” Sonic said. “And now to catch Egghead!” Then they all ran of to find Eggman.

“Maybe we have to split in couples so we can find him faster.”  Cosmo said. “Great idea Cosmo!” Sonic said. “These are the couples: Me and Tails will go North, Rouge and Knuckles will go West.” “Wait DOES THAT MEAN THAT I NEAD TO GO WITH BATGIRL HERE!!!” Knuckles screamed. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” Rouge said. “It’s still not fair.” Knuckles whispered to himself. “Okay,” Sonic said. “Cosmo, Cream, and Cheese will go East and Amy and Shadow will go South.” ‘Of course he wants me so far away as possible…’ Amy thought. ‘I guess it all doesn’t really matter anymore.’

After they split up, Shadow started a conversation with Amy. “So, why do you actually like Sonic?” Shadow asked. “I stopped loving him a long time ago…” Amy said. “Why? Shadow asked. “That’s none of your business.” Amy said. “Did he yell at you or something?” Shadow asked. “No,” Amy said with a sad face. “if that was the case than I would’ve stopped loving him over 2 years ago! No, I found some stuff out  about my past and before you ask it. It’s none of your business.” “Hey don’t be sad,” Shadow said. “Maybe I can help. I am a total different person than Sonic so maybe I understand it.” He tried. “That doesn’t matter at all! If that was the case than I would’ve already told Cream!” Amy said. “Now let’s just search for Eggman please…”

After 15 minutes they all hadn’t find Eggman yet. But 10 minutes after that Amy heard something.

“Shadow, I think I hear something.” She said. “It sounds mechanical so it could be Eggman. It’s that way.” Amy showed Shadow the way and it was Eggman. “We must call Sonic and the others.” Amy whisperd to Shadow. “Why are we whispering?” He asked. “Because if we talk he’ll hear us and maybe uses us as practises before he uses it on Sonic.” Amy explained. She tried to call Sonic but it didn’t work. “Damnit!” She cursed (not hard enough for Eggman to hear it). “I can’t reach them because thanks to that thing we’re in a magnetic field! What now?” “I don’t know.” Shadow said. “Maybe we have to go back to get the others. Or I’m gonna fight it.” “Why only you? I can fight too you know!” Amy said. “Because I don’t think it’s called ‘the ultimate weapon’ for nothing and as far as I know your fighting styles aren’t the best.” Shadow explained. Amy just growled.

But Shadow stepped on a branch which snapped. Eggman heard them this time. “Ah, what do we have here? Some guinea-pigs for my invention.” And Eggman pressed a button which made two robotic arms grab Amy and Shadow. “Ladies first.” Eggman said when he started to aim at Amy. Just then Sonic came out of nowhere and broke Amy and Shadow free. Than al the others came out. “You guys alright?” Sonic asked to both. But mostly to Amy. They both said yes but Amy was still a bit in shock of when Eggman said: Ladies first and thought that he was still gonna shoot at her first. Shadow saw that and asked again if she where alright. She said that it could be better but it’s better than death.

Eggman was kinda mad and started to turn his ultimate weapon into a giant robot, with the weapon of course, and started battling them all. First he knocked out Cream and Cheese started to help her. Then he knocked out Cosmo. Tails was heading for Cosmo but Eggman knocked him out too when he didn’t focus. After that he knocked out Rouge and after her Knuckles. So the three hedgehogs where left.

Eggman started to make his weapon ready to shoot. Amy already thought that Eggman was acting like an evil gentleman by shooting her first. He shot at her but she jumped away and escaped the laser. He fired a couple of times at her but every time he missed. “Stand still you pink pest!” He yelled. “Why do you think I’m running away!” She yelled back. Sonic was just watching while Shadow was ready to attack the laser. He tried but it didn’t break. There wasn’t even a scratch! “Nice try Shadow,” Eggman said. “but this time I thought about everything. You see, I already thought that you where gonna attack my weapon so I put a ray shield on it to defend it.” Shadow growled at how he was unable to help Amy, so instead he was thinking about grabbing Amy and taking her to a spot out of Eggman’s sight. But it was pretty hard because the weapon was pretty quick at firing for such a big laser and Amy moved around fast and a lot. So he started timing.

Eggman was still firing at Amy this time she fell and couldn’t escape it. Sonic finally did something. He tried to get Amy away from there. But he was too late. Shadow had just finished timing and was too late as well. Eggman shot at Amy this time, it didn’t miss her.

Sonic yelled so hard that he could swear that they could still hear him in Canada, and so did Shadow (he yelled on the inside though)

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