Part 2 - The Cries of Sonic and Shadow

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After Amy’s death, everyone was having a hard time getting over her. Sonic and Shadow had the hardest time though. Both didn’t do much except running (Sonic) and sitting somewhere thinking (Shadow) for a whole month before going back to normal, but they’ve still got some grief, here are there thoughts.

Sonic p.o.v

I was laying/sitting on the couch when I was over thinking my feelings the past month. “Still grieving after 1 month is normal thankfully, especially when you were close to those who’re lost.” I decided. “But why do I realise just now that I did love her, what the fuck is wrong with me!!! I’m probably like the biggest asshole in the world. I guess what they say is true ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. I could’ve saved her though, I could’ve jumped in and grab her but noooo I just hád to stand there frozen! I’m an idiot…” I sadly admitted. I sighed and got me a glass of water which was starting to get more and more comfortable. “Never knew drinking water would become so easy. Amy always invited me to learn me how to swim, but I was afraid of the water (of course) and afraid that she would force me to marry her or something like that.” I said chuckling. Then dropping my head in depression as it supported my deduction of me being a complete idiot when it comes to Amy. I then decided to go running to get in a better mood and ran through the forests and mountains.

But I had a hard time getting rid of the mood as Amy kept invading in my mind everything reminded me of her, so I decided to stop at a ravine. “Goddamnit my heart has grown too fond since her absence now if you’d ask me.” I shouted in annoyance. “I would do anything to get her back, or out of my mind…” I admitted, wanting the bad emotions to stop. I decided to take a nap and laid down until I heard an explosion further in the mountains. “Looks like Shadow’s having some troubles, normally he only trains on eggmans old robots.” I said as I went to head over to him and see what was going on.


Shadow’s p.o.v

I was trying to release all my bad emotions on the lone trees and big rocks at the mountains, but it didn’t seem to work, which made me even madder, hitting everything harder. “I can’t believe it! Eggman! The man who loses everytime! Always! Took away the only nice person in my life!!!” I shouted in anger. Then I thought of something and regretted a bit what I just said. “ Well except Cream.” I had to admit it. She always tried to cheer me up but my feelings towards her were more… fatherly…I guess… I stopped and sat down on a half broken rock. “It’s ARC all over again. Though now the grandson of my father (I prefer calling him father since he was the one who raised me, not Black Doom) has killed the one person I loved more than I loved Maria.” I explained to myself, since I was really confused and tried to get it all right. But it only made me sadder realizing this and a sole tear ran down my cheeck.

I knew it was never going to work out with Amy anyway. Till one month ago I thought her heart would always belong to the blue blur and I can not explain how it felt when I heard she didn’t love her anymore. But it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, since, if we would get together, she would grow old and die, and I would always stay like this. But something made me wonder. “What did she mean by that.” I asked myself.

<I found out my past and before you ask it. It’s none of your bussines!>

What was there about her past. Did Sonic do something to her, did she have to move away. What was it!!! I just couldn’t lay my finger on it and decided to try and look it up in the G.U.N database. Later.

Something in the distance caught my eye not much later. Something leaving a big sandcloud to mark itself. More known as Sonic. I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance. I did now want to deal with him right now. He would probably blame me for everything and try to fight me and end up being not only mentally broken. Oh well. Here he comes.

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