Part 14 - The Aftermath

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Everything was white for a while. The light vanished and a giant mushroom cloud was visible, together with a roaring sound and a shockwave heading towards the boys. While Mephiles sighed and hid his face with his hand, Shadow was rushing towards the centrer of the newly formed, dust-filled crater to see how Amy was doing.

After searching for a while and the dust cleared a bit, he finally found her. But she wasn't just passed out, like he assumed. Instead, it looked like someone had beaten the crap out of her! Bruises were everywhere, an arm and a leg was disfigured and big blue bumps were forming all over her, some small, some big enough to make a ring around the limb. "AMY!!! You still here?! Wake up!!" Shadow shouted and gently shook her shoulders. No response. Shadow cursed and thought hard about what to do. Then Mephiles walked past him. "Don't worry, I got this covered." He said and teleported the three of them away.

The silence was more than uncomfortable when Shadow and Mephiles waited while doctors fixed Amy as much as they could, though Shadow's curiosity and confusion eventually foiled his anxiety. "Could you maybe explain a bit about what just happened?" He carefully asked Mephiles. "Well..." Mephiles started and thought carefully about what and how he was going to tell him. "You see. I have a daughter. A daughter whom I got with a mortal. I lost this daughter of mine quite a few years ago." He started.

"She was a small, happy child. She'd play all day long with her friends, her alive friends. At the time she had no idea who her father was or that she had inherited most of his traits, even though she looked just like her mother. Years passed and she began to realise she wasn't exactly 'normal'. She could send out a kind of shock wave if she got mad. She found that strange of course, so she turned to her mother for answers. That's when she was told who her father was and thus where the strange power came from. Not much later, she finally met me.

Once her powers got stronger, I took her in to teach her to control them. Unfortunately, once we went back to her mother, she was already an old lady and all of her friends had become fully grown adults with their own families, while she seemed barely twenty. Time even passes a lot faster down here than on the surface, but very few of us realise time passing so quick.  A few years later, her mother unfortunately passed away and went to heaven, another kind of underworld, and my daughter came living with me.

After that, years and years passed until one day, my daughter got fed up with boredom. She wanted to go to the surface again and make new friends, even though she knew they were only there for a short time, or at least for her. We often had arguments about it, since the bunch or people she had found, where enemies with a powerful doctor, who would take her and harvest her power for his evil plans, and as her father I didn't want her anywhere near him, considering she could be quite the idiot at times. One argument in particular made things go for worse. That evening she eventually ran away from me to her room, crying. I wanted to go after her, but I thought she needed some time alone. The next morning, I went to wake her up. I went into her room, but she wasn't there. All there was, was a small note saying goodbye. There also were some vials and spellbooks scattered around. Turned out she made a potion to make herself young again, so she could grow up with that bunch of kids on the surface. Of course, I did everything I could to find her, but one way or another, she managed to hide herself from me. I often stalked that stupid group, but not once could I even find a trace! A month ago, I even lost her life signal, which meant she had died, but I guess she didn't." Mephiles ended his story with. "Uhm, she did die. But we revived her." Shadow briefly explained. "Wait... so you were the one who stole one of my crystals?" Mephiles asked and Shadow nodded. "I see."

Only moments later, the doctor finally came in. "She made it! She just woke up so-" The doctor tried to say but the two males were already rushing to get it. "Wowowow! She just woke up after a heavy procedure! She still has to recover! You're allowed in, but please stay calm." The doctor told them and they nodded. "Hey..." Amy greeted them weakly. "Hey Amy."

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