Part 8 - Fourth for free, but an eight?

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The Light appeared again. “Hello again!” The light said cheerful. “HOLY SHIT!” Sonic said jumping away because he got scared by a little light. “What the fuck?” Was all Shadow could say about that. “Oops! I didn’t mean to scare you.” The light said a little guilty. “But I have good news! First of all, I have an emerald.” “That lessens time.” Sonic said relieved that there would be only three more emeralds to go. Shadow was also relieved because he was letting out a sigh. “But there’s more!” The light started. “I know what’s that extra thing you needed!” “Spill it!” Shadow said. “You’re gonna need some DNA,” The light said. “Hairbrush.” Shadow said. “and you two also need to get an energy emerald.” The light said.

“A what???” Sonic asked confused. Shadow was looking confused too. “Oh sorry,” The light apologised. “I thought you knew. But an energy emerald is basically an emerald that can hold a soul. You can get one in the Underworld.” The light explained. “THE UNDERWORLD!!!” Shadow and Sonic shouted. “But, Mephiles was destroyed! How can there still be an underworld!” Shadow yelled. “It is impossible to kill him, but I guess you convinced him to stop trying to destroy the world.” The light said. “He is very angry at you though, Shadow, but I can’t think why.” The light said. “Maybe because I was the one who kicked his ass and apparently sent him back to the Underworld.” Shadow said with an ‘Are you fucking kidding me’ look on his face. “oh.” The light said. “But I think it is the best to get all the emeralds first, so we can go super if we need to battle Mephiles.” Sonic said. “That’s… actually a good idea.” Shadow said staring at Sonic Holy shit style. “Yayz! I had a good idea.” Sonic said with a derpy look on his face. “Never mind...” Shadow said. “However, good luck finding the rest of the emeralds and the Energy Emerald.” The light said.

The light disappeared, when Sonic thought of something. “Hey shadow.” Sonic said thinking. “Yes?” Shadow said looking at Sonic. “Something has been on my mind for a while, and I haven’t figured it out.” Sonic said. “What is it.” Shadow said. “How come that you never really want to work with me or anyone, but you’re giving all you got this time.” Sonic said. Shadow looked shocked by the question and you could see a little sweat drop on his head, he knew what would come next. “Do you love Amy or something?” Sonic asked, and Shadow was right. This was the question he knew would come. “Why! I help out once and there must immediately be a reason for it?!” Shadow said while panicking from the inside. “Well, do you?” Sonic asked again. “Uhhmmm…” Shadow said thinking of something. “Well what about you blue! You never cared about her, or at least never showed you did.” Shadow said as his last hope. “Hey! That’s not fair! I asked you first!” Sonic yelled at shadow. “Well, do you?” Shadow copied. “…” Sonic was speechless. “Well I……” Sonic started.

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