The spin

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Mr Ranty sent me to the medics bay so they could send me home.

I sat on a dark green plastic chair in a small room with white walls and blue lino flooring.

There were posters on the walls about what to do if someone isnt breathing. And I thought about Ro, and the posters that were up in the corridor outside the room where he died.

Ben came in after about ten minutes.

"Hey sweetie," He chirped, instantly brightening my day "What happened?"

"I dont really know.. I mean? I guess im just tired or stressed or something."

He didnt say anything, just nodded and walked over to sit next to me.

I couldnt really be bothered to start a convosation if I'm honest so I just sat silently at the table with my backpack on the floor next to me.

He porched awkwardly in the space on the table to me left.

"Hey" He said nervously.

I laughed a bit, and so he laughed too. But he laughed for a bit to long, and then didnt know how to end. So everything just sort of went silent and we sat awkwardly again.

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