Thomas and Friends

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We just laid there, in Ronans lil' bed.

Who knows how many days went past before we moved from there.

The small quilt blanketing over me and my only remaining brother.

How can the world be so cruel?

We me? Why him?

What did he do to deserve this?

He had never done anything wrong, ever.

I loved him like he was my own, I felt that as the female authoritive figure in his life I should have been protective over him.

We knew we had a nasty cough and that he wasnt sleeping well and that he got massively out of breath and now that I've listed these things they've come to life..

I never realised how sick he actually was.

I miss him.

I want him back. Why cant I get him back.


I felt Eddy shuffle nearer me and nuzzled his nose on my shoulder.

I cried. I let out a sound that was completely inhuman.

It was a little piece of the monster dad had turned me into escaping me.

Fuck dad. I fucking hate him. I never loved my father.

He didnt deserve the amazing sons that he got.

Mummy did everything she could to support us.

My entire family excluding Eddy are burried in the dirt in a rotting wooden box and thats where they'll remain until the end of eternity.

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