Of blue and yellow

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I opened my eyes confussed and paniced.

Ed knelt over me. A concerned look cast across his face.

"Em?.." His bottom lip trembling

I half sat up but he held my shoulders so I stayed down on the carpet.

"What happened?"

"You just blacked out for a minute, its okay"



"If everythings okay, then why I you crying?"

More tears streamed from his eyes as he pulled me up from the ground and hugged me. Hard. But the tight embrace made me feel safe.

I'd felt so broken recently, it was like he'd just picked up all the broken pieces of me and forced them back together so hard that they'd stuck.

He let go and scooped me up off the floor and carried me to my bedroom.

He rushed downstairs and then back up again with a white plastic pot and a glass of water.

"Here. Take these."

He had handed me two small oval tablets, one half of one end was yellow, the other was navy blue.

"Im fine babe, I dont need them"

He looked at me sternly.


I dont remember falling asleep, but I know I did because when I woke up it was daylight.

I laid in bed for a while. Just thinking and snoozing.

I rolled out of bed, twisting my ankle as I go.

I stumble into Ronans room to find him tucked up under his Thomas And Friends quilt. I lift the covers and lay down behind his tiny body and cuddle him close to me.

He stirred from his sleep but didnt wake. His pushed his head into my chest and his breathing crackled slightly.

He slept. And I slept next to him.

It appears that being close to people I love during the day and the only way we can be peaceful and together is at night time or when one another is sleeping.

So I snatched at the oppotunity when it came and laid that next to Ro for as long as the alarm clock would allow.

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