|Letter 4| ★

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Dear Luke,

Mother took me to a therapist today. I didn't like it, it made me feel very uncomfortable. The walls were a light green which reminded me of slime which made my stomach churn.

The therapist just sat there staring at me. She looked like an oversize rat as she sat there judging me. I'm not being mean, but if you saw her you would have agreed with me.

She talked too much, which made my head hurt. She was telling me about how me missing you will slowly pass out of my body and the best way that can happen for me is to distract myself from you. She told me to open up a box in my mind and then place all the memories I have of you and me into that little box, when all those memories were in it, she told me to seal it and then push it to the back of my mind and to not re-open it again.

It's only four days, four days isn't enough to just put memories of us in a stupid little box. I mean we grew up with each other Luke, how am I ever supposed to forget about you? People can't get over love that quickly can they?

I came to the conclusion that if people could be with someone for a couple of weeks and then break up with them and quickly get over them, then that would be acceptable, it's acceptable because they didn't really know that person. I mean if me and you were only together for I don't know three weeks, then maybe I wouldn't be feeling like I am now. If people can get over people quickly even if they were with them years then they didn't truly love them then did they?

I'm going to try send you one my letters tomorrow.



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