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On the drive back to Eva's I let my mind settle down on the over drive that it had been in for the past few hours.

My mind was all over the place from seeing Luke again. It was so unrealistic knowing that he was back, back in Sydney.

Once I got to Eva's place, I quickly tried to wipe Luke's face out of my mind, but it was impossible. Luke's face was printed on my mind, it wasn't going to just magically disappear.

I parked my car outside her small apartment flat before stepping out and locking my car door behind me. I placed my keys in my bag before walking up the steps that lead to her apartment door.

I wasn't sure how I was going to tell Eva about anything. In fact I haven't seen my best friend in over a month, I didn't tell her anything.

The only people who knew about Luke leaving were my parents, I had kept the rest to myself, I didn't want to cause more attention on myself.

I placed my finger on the doorbell,hearing the ringing sound. I heard footsteps shuffle, before the door opened and there my best friend stood.

Her light blonde hair was tied messily into a bun, her pale complexion stared back at me her blue eyes looked back at me in shock.

"Soph?" She whispered before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into her embrace.

"Hi," I mumbled into her shoulder, as her grip on me tightened. It was so good to be back with Eva, I knew I had to face her and tell her my reasons for not going near her for a month.

"Come in, we have a lot to catch up on, eh?" She asked, letting go of me and raising a perfect eyebrow at me.

I nodded, following her into her apartment. I looked around noticing the familiar pictures that were hung up on her wall. Many of them were of her family, and one of them was of her and me.

As I followed her through her apartment, I couldn't help but remember the memories that had been placed here in her apartment.

Once we arrived in her kitchen, I took a seat on the small kitchen chair that I always sat on, as Eva hopped up onto the counter top. This was the usual way we would sit when we were going to have major discussions about things that were important.

"Soo, what's been happening Soph?" She asked.

"Well, you can either listen to a cut down version of what happened, and listen to the long version some other day, or you could stay and listen to the long version which will probably confuse the shit out of you," I said to her, placing my bag on the kitchen table beside me.

"Short version, I know you and your long stories, they tend to become very confusing." She said snickering as she understood how terribly confused I become when trying to explain long stories to people.

"Before I start, I just want to apologise for dropping our friendship like it was nothing, but I hope when I explain what happened you will understand."

"It's okay Sophie, you don't have to be sorry, I'm not angry at you. I've been keeping in touch with Ashton you know, but he hasn't told me everything, heck I don't even know where he's been, so please explain!" Eva said, making herself comfortable on the counter top she was sitting on.

"Okay, me and Luke split up for a couple of weeks, well I don't know if it was called a split up-"

"Excuse me, what? Luke and you split up? But Sophie you and Luke have been together for like over a year!" She exclaimed, jumping down from the countertop, grabbing a chair sitting next to me.

"Eva, calm down let me explain, I can't explain if you're going to keep interrupting." I told her.

Eva nodded her head placing her hand over her mouth.

"As I was saying, Luke's band started off, they were beginning to play more gigs and got noticed by more people. Soon enough they were popular, and I guess in a way you could have called them famous. Ashton and Michael and Calum and Luke got noticed where ever they went. I was fine with all of this, I was so happy for them," I said, tugging on the sleeve of my jumper as I realised I was coming to the bit I didn't particularly like talking about.

"Then Luke came over and told me he was going to London, he was leaving Sydney for a while so they could promote their band more, and so they left me. Me and Luke didn't split up, but I didn't know what was happening, Ev, I felt like we weren't together anymore. So, to deal with the pain I wrote letters to him instead of talking about it to someone. I wrote eleven letters, it took me nearly three to four weeks to send them, but Luke wrote me letters too.. And now he's back in Sydney."

"He's back, already?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, the lads have some sort of break so they decided to come home." I told her.

"Then why are you here with me? Sophie go, you need to spend time with Luke! You guys probably even haven't talked about what happened have you?" She asked, grabbing my wrist and tugging me off the chair.

"No," I said. "But Ev, I haven't seen you in over a month, I lied to Luke to come over and see you. I want to spend time with you!"

"Sophie, you can hang out with me tomorrow or the next but right now you're going to spend your time with Luke, now go!" She hauled me into her hugging me before directing me towards the door and pushing me out.

"I love you!" I half screamed rushing to my car.

"Love you too Soph!"

☮ ☮ ☮

After ten minutes I arrived back at Luke's house. I could feel the nervousness starting to creep through my body again as I parked my car.

After stepping out and locking the car, I made my way up the small stoned steps that lead to the door.

Once I reached the door, I hovered my finger over the small white doorbell.

I was unsure on whether or not to ring it as I didn't want to be a burden on Liz, she only got her son back too, I didn't want her to think I was taking him away from her again.

I decided to leave it, knowing that it was actually rude of me to even come here after an hour. I decided that I would come back and see Luke later, it would give him more time to spend with his family and his friends here.

As I turned around, making my way back down the small steps, I heard the front door behind me open. I froze in my spot before turning around to see Liz standing there with her hands on her hips.

I gulped nervously, awaiting her to talk.

"Sophie, where do you think you're going?" She asked, stepping closer to me.

"Uh, well you see I was going to see Luke, but then I felt like I was intruding on you and Luke's time together, so I decided to come back later." I stuttered out nervously.

I shouldn't be nervous around Liz, she was my second mother for over a year, she was another huge important person in my life, but once you distance yourself from someone for a while, you can't help but think that they are going to disown you for just dropping them.

"Sophie, you're one silly silly girl, how many times do I have to tell you that you're family? Now come here and give me a hug, and you're staying for dinner." She said, holding her arms out.

I smiled hugely at her, before walking towards her, hugging her. It felt so nice to be back in her arms, I missed Liz so much.

Liz unwrapped her arms from my waist, linking her arm through mine as she lead us inside the house I was very familiar with.


Oh hi again, I'm tired and I wasn't going to update but oh look update!

Okay yesterday I had like 1.4k reads and today I have 1.6k like I'm sorry but wow that's just amazing everyone that's reading this you're amazing and ily

Thank you so much guys you're the best!


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