Eye Contact.♡

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The plane ride was the most uncomfortable thing I had ever experienced, which caused me to not get much sleep which instantly launched me into a snappy mood.

Even though we were on a comfortable plane, my thoughts were only focused on one thing; Sophie.

Sophie's face was imprinted in my mind for the whole flight, no matter how much I tried to busy myself from not thinking about her, she would launch herself back into my mind and stay there.

I leaned back against the leather seat, closing my eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time, awaiting for sleep to take over my body.

"Psst, Luke," someone whispered. I wasn't entirely sure on which one of the boys it was but I ignored them, keeping my eyes closed.

"Don't ignore me Hemming's," I opened one eye and looked to the right where Ashton was sitting, a big smile sat upon his lips.

I never did understand how Ashton always had a smile on his face, even when he was tired or sick, he was the same old bubbly Ashton.

That was what made me and Ashton close, I mean I was close to Michael and Calum but whenever I was having a shit day, Ashton was the person that I wanted to be around the most.

"What Ash?" I mumbled back as the one eye that I had opened closed refusing to stay open.

"We're here Luke, we're back home." Ashton said excitedly which made both of my eyes to snap open.

I quickly moved my body forward so I could look out the window, noticing the airport in plain sight.

All tiredness and mood swings evaporated out of my body as I thought of the chance of seeing Sophie again. The chance of seeing her again made me feel anxious and for my stomach to tingle.

The seatbelt sign above my head beeped witch signalled that we could now all take off our seat belts. I unbuckled my belt, the anxiousness in my body was rising as the small plane came to a sudden halt.

We were here.

"You okay there Luke?" Michael asked from across the seat opposite me. I nodded, standing up from my seat. I wasn't okay, but I wasn't going to tell them that, they wouldn't understand.

They understood about the Sophie situation and they understood how much I missed her, but the one thing that they didn't understand was how horrible it was to be away from her, not being near her, not being able to hold her or see her adorable smile killed me.

"You sure? You look a bit green," Cal joined in, a look of worry crossed his face.

Ashton stood in front of me, placing both of his hands on my shoulder shaking me slightly.

"Luke Robert Hemming's. Stop overthinking about the situation, you are here now, you're back to fix things. Me and the lads believe in you, we have faith in you so stop worrying. Sophie has missed you as much as you've missed her, there's nothing to worry about okay?"

I nodded my head, before Ashton smiled at me removing his hands from my shoulder. If Sophie didn't miss me, she wouldn't have sent me letters.

Ashton was right, I needed to stop overthinking what was going on. I was going to try my best to make it up to Sophie no matter what.

We all grabbed our hand luggage, before stepping off the plane. The warm Sydney air hit me and I sighed in relief at the warm weather. I breathed in the fresh air, it was so good to be back home.

Once we entered the airport, we headed straight to the luggage area to collect the rest of our belongings. As I looked around the airport, I couldn't help but try find Sophie.

"Luke, she's not going to be in this part of the airport. Please stop looking around, you look like a confused meerkat," Michael said to me, grabbing my arm to lead me to where our luggage was.

Once we had everything, we made our way to the arrival gates. From a distance I could hear the faint screams of fans. As we neared the corner the screams and chants from the girls began to become louder.

A high pitched screech whipped through my ears as I realised that the fans noticed Calum. I peeked my head around the corner noticing the small group of girls that had come to meet us at the airport.

The small group of girls were holding many posters that had me and the lads faces stuck to it. A large smile spread across my lips as I saw all of our dedicated fans.

"Luke Hemming's marry me please!" I heard one girl call out.

I turned around to the direction of where the voice came from, only for my eyes to lock on to light green orbs that I had missed so much.

I was frozen in place, as was she. It was her.


She was at the airport, she was actually here. My feet began moving towards her as my brain was still doing an overdrive of her actually being here. The fans around me grabbed me, pulling me into a complete different direction, pulling me away from Sophie.

As I was being pulled away, I tried to keep the eye contact with her, but it got difficult as countless of girls were in front of me, tugging at me to get my attention. I looked down to the crying girl in front of me, she wrapped her petite arms around my waist pulling me closer to her. I returned the hug, taking pictures and signing autographs and spending time with the fans that were there.

As I said goodbye to the last fan, I looked around for Sophie but she was no where to be found. I couldn't help but feel the emotion build up inside of me. I didn't feel like crying, I was just disappointed that I didn't get to her when I had the perfect chance to.

I was angry at myself, I should have told the fans that I had something to do, but I didn't want to upset them, I couldn't upset the fans.

I looked around at the lads who were talking to other fans, I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me, thinking it was another fan I turned around to see who it was. Once I turned my body fully around I came face to face with Sophie.

Unsent Letters. [Luke Hemmings.]Where stories live. Discover now