|Letter 5|★

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Dear Luke,

I tried to send your letter today, I promise you I really did try. I couldn't though. I didn't want to. It's not you that's stopping me, it's your fame. I saw all of you on the cover of my favourite magazine today, I guess you guys are a lot more popular now than I thought you were.

I am happy for you Luke, I promise you I am. I just wish that I could be there with all of you going through this amazing experience, I mean you are all famous now each and every single one of you.

It's upsetting in a way, because everyone knows who you are now, back here I was the only one who truly knew you guys, but now plenty other girls know you.

I passed our favourite candy store today, I sat on the old wooden bench the one that needs to be painted, it reminded me of how you brought me there on our first date.

It was really cold that night and I was silly enough to wear a light dress and not being my coat. You took off your warm coat for me even though I told you plenty of times not to, you didn't listen to me. You wrapped your coat around my shoulders as we sat on that bench, your hands lingered on my shoulders for a few minutes after you placed your coat on me. You quickly removed your hands from my shoulder, but I wish you didn't.

That night, you moved closer to me on the little bench, each time you got closer to me, I could feel your warm breath on my body. I knew you were nervous, it was radiating from your body. I mean I was nervous too, you made me feel nervous.

It was strange for us that night as well, I grew up with you, we were buddies in diapers and you stuck with me through everything. When we both turned sixteen something shifted in our friendship, I noticed then how attractive you actually were.

Your blonde hair wasn't flat on your head anymore, instead you got it cut and you spiked it up. It suited you better because it brought out your deep blue eyes more. You recently got your lip pierced then, that little black stud always distracted me when you talked as I always wondered what it would be like to kiss you, would your stud make the kiss more enjoyable or would it get in the way.

I knew right there right then that I didn't like you as a friend anymore, and when you kissed me that night on the old wooden bench on our first date, it was perfect. Everything in my life was perfect for once.

You were perfect.



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