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Dear Luke,

I know I said in my last letter that I wasn't going to write to you anymore, but I guess you didn't know that because you didn't receive the letters.

I am in Ireland but I'm only staying for the weekend. I decided to bring your nine letters with me this being the tenth letter, I'm going to send them all today.

I am quite anxious about sending you these letters as I don't know if you will even read them, half of me hopes you will read them and reply while the other half of me feels like you'd laugh at them and throw them away.

My biggest fear about you guys getting big was that you would forget about me. You, Ash, Cal and Mikey are the only guys that I had in my life and I miss you guys so much.

I want to hate you Luke, I want to hate you because you left me when you promised that you would never leave me but you did Luke you left me.

Even though I should hate you I can't, I can't hate you because..

I'm still in love with you.


Unsent Letters. [Luke Hemmings.]Where stories live. Discover now