Home Sweet Home.♡

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Once the lads said their hellos to Sophie, all five of us headed out of the airport. I grabbed Sophie's hand, entwining our fingers together.

It was so good to be back with her, having her next to me and not far away. I had missed her so much, when you're away from someone that you love you don't think that you would miss them as much but you do. And when you miss them it eats at you, the pain of missing them never leaves.

Sophie looks up at me with a small smile placed on her lips. Her small green eyes are still holding back tears as I lean down and press another sweet kiss to her forehead.

I really wanted to kiss her, I wanted to feel her warm lips on mine again but I couldn't do it in public, paps followed me and the lads everywhere, I didn't need Sophie's face to be plastered over the internet, or for world war three to start on twitter.

I wanted to keep my fans happy, and knowing that if I kissed Sophie in public the picture would end up on twitter which would upset a lot of fans, which was one thing I did not want to do.

"The taxi is here, Sophie are you coming with us?" Calum asked, placing his luggage in the boot of the taxi.

"Uh, my car is parked there, I'm okay driving home." She said pointing at her small Mini Cooper.

I laughed at the car, memories of being in it with her arose in my mind. A smile played on her lips as she knew what I was laughing at.

"I'll go with Sophie, since I'm the one with the smallest amount of luggage." I said to the lads as they placed more and more of their luggage into the taxi.

"Well, it looks like you may go with her because there's barely any room left!" Ashton said placing his last bag on the back seat.

I laughed at my three best friends as they squished into the taxi.

They all waved bye, before the taxi started leaving me and Sophie alone.

"Let's go home then yeah?" I asked her, pulling on her hand to make her move.

She nodded her head as we made our way to the small blue Mini Cooper. Sophie let go of my hand to retrieve her keys from her bag. Once the keys were placed in her hand, she unlocked the small boot where I placed my luggage in.

I walked around to open the passengers side door before stepping into the small car. As I was stepping into the car I clumsily whacked my head off the roof of the car door.

"Shit, ow." I moaned in pain as I sat on the seat. I could hear Sophie sniggering beside me, as I placed a hand on the side of where I hit my head.

I looked over at Sophie, who was sitting there with that adorable little smile placed on her lips as she laughed at my pain. I glared at her laughing at me, which only caused her to laugh more at me.

"Aw did poor baby Lukey whack his head?" Sophie asked in a baby voice which caused me to laugh.

I fake pouted and nodded, which made Sophie laugh and scoot closer to me.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" She asked, her hot breath could be felt on my neck which made all of my muscles tense.

I nodded, moving in my seat so I was facing her. I looked at Sophie, noticing she hadn't changed. Her black hair was pulled into a messy bun, but strands of hair escaped the bun which fell around her small heart shaped face. Her nose ring was still placed in, and her green eyes seemed a much lighter colour. She was still beautiful, she was always going to be beautiful.

She moved closer to me, placing a small quick kiss on the side of my head before leaning away. As she was leaning away, I placed my hand on the side of her neck which made her freeze. I took a deep breath before slowly leaning in, I leaned in slowly so she would have time to move away if she wanted to, but she didn't.

My lips were inches away from hers, before I leaned in all the way and brushed my lips off hers. That was all it took for my body to feel like it was on fire, one simple touch. I pulled back a bit before leaning forward again placing my lips on hers for the second time.

Her hands reached up around my neck, pulling me closer to her as I kissed her softly, my hand still placed on the side of her neck. She sighed into the kiss, her hands tugging lightly on my hair which caused me to deepen the kiss more.

It felt so natural kissing Sophie again, I missed how our lips fitted perfectly so much, that I didn't want to stop kissing her.

I pulled back, placing one more small kiss on her lips before resting my forehead against hers.

Her hands were still wrapped around my neck, and my hand still cupped the side of her neck.

Sophie untangled her arms from my neck, placing a small kiss on my cheek before sticking her key into the ignition of the car. I removed my hand from her neck, before placing her small hand in mine again.

On the trip back to where my house was, I decided to stay off the subject of what happened when I was gone, I didn't want to talk to Soph about that, especially not on my first day back with her.

The radio was on, so we both distracted each other by singing really badly and loudly to the songs that were played on the station.

When we got tired of singing I would go back to memories of our happy days, going through all the happy memories that we both had with each other.

Soon enough, we arrived at my estate, and outside of my house. I looked around my surroundings, nothing had changed it was still the same.

I got out of the car, making sure to duck my head and not whack it again, before grabbing my luggage out of the boot. Sophie stood there, resting against the car door watching me.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked her, knowing that my mother wouldn't mind, she loved Sophie, as much as I loved her.

"No, I promised Eva that I'd meet up with her, go have some time with Liz, I'm sure she's missed you," she said as I stepped closer wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I'll see you later though yeah?" I asked her, pulling her closer to me.

She nodded. "Yeah, you will." She placed her hands around my neck again, I loved how perfect our bodies fitted together, we were two jigsaw puzzle pieces, completely opposite from each other but still found a way to fit together.

I leaned in, kissing her sweetly, before pulling away I kissed her forehead. I pulled her into me and hugged her, her small arms moved from my neck down to my waist as she nuzzled into me.

It was so amazing having her in my arms again, after weeks of feeling terrible and having to fake my emotions, I was suddenly wrapped up in a bubble of euphoria.

My home was where Sophie was, and it was always going to be that way.


I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far! I'm in such a writing mood today, so I decided to write more!

Can Luke and Sophie please stop being so cute, and can someone cute like Luke walk into my life please and thank you or even if Michael Clifford wanted to walk into my life that would be perfectly fine..

I don't have a clue about Sydney okay, I live in Ireland, they're very opposite from each other, so every place they go to will be googled.. Anyone reading live in Australia?

I tried to make this chapter funny and cute and I don't know if it worked but oh well


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