Chapter 2: Meeting Keon

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   A couple of weeks later, I was starting to get along with living where I was. I didn't go outside unless I had to. One day, this boy named Keon came up to me. I was only outside because I had just walked home from the bus stop. My mom was outside talking to our neighbor. We lived in a Duplex apartment. The parts were right next to each other. I put my school stuff in the house and came back outside.

   My mom was occupied with the neighbor, so I sat on the step and looked around. I pulled out my iPod touch and started to play a game. Suddenly, Keon (I didn't know his name then) walked up to me. "Did you just move here?" he asked.

"Yeah."I replied

"Oh."he said. Then he started talking about where he lived. He looked over and asked, "Is that your mom?"

"Yep."I answered. After that, he went to go talk to the neighbor's son.

   I returned to my game. After about 30 minutes of playing, I looked at the time. It was almost 4:00p.m. I decided to go back in the house. I didn't notice that my mom had already went back in. I walked back into the house and went to my room. I finished the last of my homework. I turned on the t.v. Twenty minutes later, my mom said that she would be back and left. I went downstairs to make me something to eat. Making my way into the kitchen, I noticed that my mom went shopping while I was at school because there was a big box of chips on the shelf. I decided to make me a sandwich.

   After I finished my sandwich and chips, I heard a knock at home the door. I went to the door. "Who is it?" I said. I couldn't hear anything, so I opened up the door. It was Keon. "Hey, come out here and talk to me." he said.

"Okay." I replied. Then, I stepped out and pulled the door closed. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Eronique, but you can call me Nene."

"Okay, Nene." there was this awkward pause. I could tell by his body language that he liked me. "So, how old are you?" he finally asked, breaking the silence. "Twelve, about to be thirteen."

"Okay. What grade you in?"

"Seventh." He asked me if I had a boyfriend and I answered honestly and told him no. He looked at me like I told a joke. His brother Ke'Ontay walked by with group of guys. Ke'Ontay was a wrestler. He was short, but muscular. Keon turned back to me and said,"You must be one of Ke'Ontay's girls." I looked at him puzzled. "No." I answered.

   Keon looked back at his brother and waved. "You should go out with me." Keon said.

"What?" I responded in shock.

"Yeah, we should go out."he said eagerly.

"I don't want to." I said.


"I just don't." He was about to say something else, but he was interrupted by a skinny, dark-skinned boy. This was my chance to avoid anymore awkwardness. I slowly opened the door while they were talking. I went inside and closed the door. I stayed downstairs this time. I turned on the t.v. and found a movie.

   The t.v. wasnt loud, so I heard Keon outside. He was asking people if they had seen me. He described me as A tall sexy girl, with her hair in a ponytail and she got a big butt. I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe this boy was describing in that way. Rude!! I ignored it, until he knocked on the door. I went to the door. "I was looking for you." he said.

"I heard."I replied. He just walked into the house. I looked at him with disgust. "Yeah, my sister used to live here." he said. He was telking me what every room was for when his sister lived there. "......Yeah, so why won't you go out with me?" I looked at him. I said,"Because I don't want to."

"That's not telling me why." he said.

"I dont know you." I told him. I shouldn't have said that because right after I did, he started telling me about himself. I heard a car pull up

and I became anxious. I ran to the front of the house and looked out the window. It wasn't my mom, so I was okay- for now. That reminded me that Keon was an uninvited guest. I tokd him that he wasnt supposed to be in the house because I would get in trouble. He grabbed me and carried me to the couch. "Put me down!!"I hollered. Put me back on ground, but he was still squeezing me. "Why won't you go out with me?" he said. I didn't answer so he started spinning me around. "Aaaaaaaaah!" I screamed.

  My older younger brother, Quezy came downstairs from his room. As soon as he saw Keon said, "Nene, who is this?" Keon stopped spinning me and introduced himself. I told Quezy to help me. He walked up to Keon and started punching him. Keon let go of me. I told him to get out. Quezy and I pushed him to the front door. I opened it and we put him out.

   It was quiet for awhile. I was upstaird in my room. It was about 6:00. Keon came back. Quezy opened the door for him. I stayed my room. Keon yelled up the stairs,"Why won't you go out with me?!" I sent my other little brother J.R. downstairs to tell Keon that I didn't want to date him. It took Keon about an hour to go home.

   My mom came back 20 minutes after Keon left. Just when I thought it was over, Keon came back the next day..........

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