Chapter 20: Not Caring

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Well, Tommy asked me out again. It took me minute, but I told him yes. Our relationship was going good. Jonathan calmed down after Tommy and I broke up. Jonathan even asked me out. I declined. I found out that he went around telling people that we were dating and that he came over to my house. He also said that he came into my room and some other things. I found out because one of my old friends heard about it and asked me if it was true. I told her that none of that stuff happened and that Jonathan and I weren't dating at all.

   Once Jonathan found out that Tommy and I were back together, he tried to sabotage our relationship. He told me that he saw Tommy kissing that Kiara girl at his house. He also said that Kiara told him," Nobody's going to take Tommy away from me." I didn't believe Jonathan. I played along as if I did though. 

   One afternoon, we were riding the bus and Tommy had sat next to me. Jonathan sat in the seat behind the seat that was across from us. He was giggling and laughing with me at first, but as soon as Tommy started talking to me he changed completely. I ignored Jonathan. Jonathan had looked over at me and I looked away. When he tried to get my attention, I looked away. Finally, I looked at him. He mouthed that he was going to tell my mom that I was dating Tommy. I said out loud that I didn't care.

   Tommy looked at Jonathan, then looked at me. "What did say?" he asked smiling.

"Nothing." I said. Then, Jonathan mouthed it again, made moose ears with his hands, and stuck out his tongue. Tommy looked at me again with a concerned face. "What did he say?" he asked again.

"Nothing." I told him rolling my eyes at Jonathan. I shrugged my shoulders, indicating to Jonathan that I didn't care. This time Tommy turned to me, lowered his voice, and asked once more,"What did he say?" Then, his eyes changed from blue-green to a cold gray. I instantly got scared and said in a very quiet, scared voice,"Your eyes just changed color." Tommy's eyes then went back to normal and he smiled and turned around.

   Still scared, I turned my head and looked out of the window. I thought to myself, Who is this crazy person I am dealing with? , referring to Tommy.

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