Chapter 3: Meeting Jonathan

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     A couple of weeks later I came outside. I saw my neighbor's son. His name was Jonathan. He was short, chubby and in the sixth grade. As far as I knew, he was nice. He came up to me and started smiling. "Hi." I said.

"Wassup."he replied. After that, he started talking to me about himself. A little while later, I went back into the house. I stayed in there for almost the rest of the day.

   Around evening time, I heard a knock on the door. I came downstairs to see that my mom had left again, so I answered the door. It was Jonathan and Keon. "What do y'all want?" I asked.

"We just want to talk to you." Keon replied. They both smiled. I knew that something was up, considering what happened the last time Keon came over. I tried to go back in and close the door, but Jonathan put his foot in the door. I kicked at his foot, but I saw that it wasn't going anywhere. Then, they both pushed the door open. I tried to make my way to the kitchen. Keon grabbed and carried me to the living room. He started shaking me. I kicked him in his legs and tried to pry his arms open. He let me go. I was running towards the stairs, then Jonathan grabbed me and brought me over to Keon. Keon held me tighter this time. He spun me around. I told him to put me down. I heard a car outside. "If my mom comes in here, you guys are going to get in trouble." Keon stopped spinning me and looked at Jonathan. Jonathan looked at Keon. Then,  they both looked at me and ran out the door. I followed behind them and closed them out.

   I went back upstairs to my room. An hour later, I heard a knock at the door. I went downstairs to see who it was. I looked out of the window, but I didn't see anyone. I opened the door just a little and there was Jonathan and Keon were staring back at me.

   I slammed the door shut. I pulled the curtain back from the little window on the door. "We really want to just talk to you this time." Jonathan said.

"I don't believe you." I said back.

"Okay then, come outside."Keon said.

"Okay, hold on." I replied. I went upstairs to get my shoes. I came back downstairs and went outside. There was hip-hip-hop music playing kind of loud. Keon looked me up and down and met my eyes again. I looked over at Jonathan who was not paying any attention to us. He was looking in the other direction, as if really wanted to be somewhere else. Keon told Jonathan to leave, so he could talk to me alone. Jonathan left. I grabbed the door knob just in case he tried to grab me again. Keon took a step closer to me. "Why don't you want to go out with me?" I looked at him and tried to tell him without hurting his feelings. "I just don't like you like that." I told him. He looked away. I knew I that it had hurt his feelings, but it was true. I didn't have foreal feelings for this guy. Keon turned back around and hugged me. I hugged him back. We said our goodbyes and he left.

   Jonathan came back over. "What happened?"

"Nothing, just nothing." I replied and went back in the house.

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