Chapter 31: For The Weekend

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Tommy came over the next day with Ladasha.

"Ask your mom if you can go to her house next weekend." Tommy told me.

"Sure." I replied. I went inside and asked my mom. She said that I could go.

Tommy and Daddyman came over the next day. My mom said that they could come in. So, we sat in the living room. I had my backpack in there with me so I could draw. Tommy sat next to me on the loveseat, while Daddyman sat on the other couch. I pulled out my notebook and my I.D. came out.

"Can I have your I.D.?" Tommy asked me.

"Why?" I asked.

"So, I can have a souvenir."

"No. I need this."


"Because." He stopped asking. Daddyman started talking about drawing. I told them that I could draw and showed them one of my pictures.

Daddyman said something to Tommy and Tommy hit him. Daddyman got up from the couch and hit Tommy in his penis. Tommy grabbed that area of his pants and started to sweat and turn red. He rocked back and forth.

"Why did you hit me?" Tommy mumbled.

"Because you hit me." Daddyman said.

"Yeah, but not in your dick." he said to Daddyman.

"Can you get me some water." Tommy asked me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because it's your house." he told me. I got up and got a cup and gave him some water. He drank it and after five minutes, he was okay.

"Do you have some paper or a notebook?" Tommy asked.


"Let me see." he said. I handed him my notebook and a pencil. On a clean sheet of paper Tommy wrote:

What do you want to do at Dashas house?


Tell me


Why dont you know?


I could tell that he was getting slightly irritated with me, but I didn't care. He looked at me. I took my notebook back. After a couple of minutes Daddyman fell asleep.

"What do you sleep in?" Tommy asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Do you sleep naked, in pajamas, or in underwear?"


"Because I want to know."

"I sleep in my underwear. Are you happy now?"

"Yep. What are you sleeping in at Ladasha's house?"

"My pajamas." I replied. It was starting to get dark outside, so Tommy woke up Daddyman and they went on their way.

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