Chapter 6: Seeing Him Again

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  It was Friday afternoon and I was on the bus ride home. I sat in the second seat behind the bus driver, as usual. Jonathan sat in the first seat closest to the door. Tommy sat in the seat behind him. Jonathan was talking to him.

   Jonathan had a big bag of Cheetos™. Tommy asked for some. Jonathan poured him some in his two empty hands. Jonathan looked over at me. "What's up, Ariana?" he said.

"That's not my name. " I replied.

"Well, how do you say it then?" he asked.

"Ai-roh-nēek." I pronounced. Tommy looked up from his almost empty hand of chips. "What's your name?" he said in a confused tone.

"Eronique." I replied. He said my name, but pronounced it wrong. I repeated it to him. He said it right that time. "Do you want some, Eronique?" Tommy said indicating his hands. I looked at Jonathan, then looked at his hands. "No, thanks." I said. I returned my eyes to the window. Jonathan, Tommy, and other people on the bus continued to talk. I heard Tommy mention my name to someone on the bus.

   I waited for the bus to go around the corner and down the street, then I ran home. When I got to the front door, I tried to open it. It was locked. I huffed, and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" my mom asked before she pulled the curtain back. She opened the door and I went upstairs to my room to finish my homework from school.

   After I was done with my homework, I lied back on my bed and reminisced about what happend on the bus that day. Then, I was called down for dinner. I dreamt of Tommy that night. It was the best dream ever.

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