Chapter 33: Jealousy Strikes Again

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Tommy came over to my house. Jonathan came right after. I didn't think my mom would let them both in the house at the same time. I thought that Jonathan wouldn't act like a complete ass in front of Tommy.

I turned on the T.V. I was sitting on the loveseat and Tommy was sitting on the other couch.

"Come sit next to me." Tommy said. I was trying not to smile as I went over there. He put his arm around me and scooted closer. We turned on Boyz in the Hood. Jonathan sat close to me. Tommy kissed me. I looked at him and kissed him back. Beside me, I heard Jonathan huff. Tommy looked over at Jonathan.

"You alright bro?" he asked. Jonathan ignored him. Tommy looked down at my boobs.

"What size bra do you wear?" he asked. My mind went blank.

"Umm. I don't know."

"How do you not know?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Go ask your mom." he told me.

"No. She would think it's weird that I'm asking her what my bra size is. Also, the fact that you're over here would make it seem really suspicious." He looked at me. Then, he turned to the t.v.

Jonathan sat up. Then, he pinched me.

"Ow." I said.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

"He just pinched me." I replied.

"Why?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know." I asked Jonathan why he pinched me.

"Because. You always act like this when Tommy comes around. You're fake." Jonathan said.

"How am I fake?" I asked.

"And Tommy you always tryna kiss all up on her when I'm here." Jonathan said ignoring my question. Tommy looked over and shrugged. his shoulders.

"I want to know how I'm fake." I said. Jonathan just sat there.

"Uh. Hello? You said I'm fake, so apparently you have a reason behind it." I said getting irritated. Tommy told me to ignore him and I did.

About ten minutes later, Jonathan put his arm on my back. I jerked away from him. He put his arm back on me.

"Stop touching me." I told him. Tommy sat up and moved his arm down my back and pulled me closer. Jonathan scooted right next to me, practically on me and put his hand on my lap. I moved my leg.

"Dude, stop touching me." I said.

"Why do you keep touching her?" Tommy asked irritated.

"Because I can." Jonathan said. I stood up and moved over to the loveseat as soon as Jonathan started trying to pull me away from Tommy.

"See? You keep acting fake." Jonathan said.

"I'm acting fake because you keep touching me?" I asked pissed.

"Don't worry about him," Tommy said, "come back over here."

"No, not until he stops putting his hands on me." I said. Tommy's face changed from calm to pissed off.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked Jonathan.

"Nothing." Jonathan replied.

"Well, why do you keep touching her." Tommy asked him.

"Because I can." Jonathan said. Then, he went over to the loveseat and sat down. I moved back over to Tommy.

Tommy put arm around me and Jonathan growled.


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