Chapter 4: Moved In

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   I was completely moved in. I didn't see much of Keon anymore. I did, however see Jonathan just about everyday.

   It was Thursday morning and I was walking to the bus stop. I saw Jonathan. "Are you wearing make-up?" he asked.

"Just a little eyeliner." I replied.

"Oh." he said. The bus pulled up to the stop. I was going to be the last to get on, but this boy let me go first. I thanked him and climbed on the bus. I sat in the second seat. Mostly everyone went to the back of the bus except for a couple of people. I was grateful for those fews who stayed up close. As the bus moved on, more and more people got on. Keon ended up sitting next to me. His hair was cut. He didn't say anything to me. I guess I really hurt his feelings. I felt bad. I greeted him and mumbled an angry "Hi" back. I decided not to talk to him for the rest of the ride to school.

   Since I had to get off of the bus before Keon, he had to let me out of the seat. I felt him mean-mugging me. I got off of the bus and walked into the school.

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