Chapter 32: Breathing It All In

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I was tired of being the house, so outside I went. There was Tommy walking down the street towards my house. Keon was behind him, of course. Then, Jonathan came outside. Tommy hugged me and sat down on the porch. Jonathan looked at me. He tried to dap me, but I didn't know what he was doing. I moved abd sat down on the porch steps. I looked at the street and watched cats roll past.

Tommy pulled out his phone and turned on some music. Jonathan tried to hug me, but I pushed him away.

"I don't understand you." Keon said.

"What?" I asked.

"Jonathan liked you first and you still dated Tommy."

"Right." I said.

"That's not right. Tommy is a player, a G."

I looked over at Tommy. He was zoned into his music, staring off into space. I looked at Jonathan and then, at Keon. I stood up and walked up and down the steps. Jonathan must have told Keon to say something. I thought to myself.

Eventually, they left. I went back into the house. I let Keon's words sink in.

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