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princess💘: One day left

babygirl💘: I'm seeing you tomorrow y/n. We're gonna meet up and that's it.

princess💘: ...Yeah I know, alright goodnight, sleep well❤️

lauren: You too

Y/n looked down at her screen, locking her phone as her vision began to blur. She should have known this would happen. There was no way anyone as beautiful as Lauren would end up not getting sick of her. Yes it is a bit dramatic however with the amount of times Y/n had her heart played with, it was understandable. They had a conversation about how much they wanted to be together within the past two days. Now Lauren seems angry and detached. Maybe she was overreacting and something happened to make her act this way. Y/n shut her phone off and snuggled underneath the covers. What could she do? Convince herself that she did nothing wrong and that it would all be fine tomorrow.

She can't be upset with me. I didn't do anything wrong, right? Y/n thought to herself then allowed  her body the relief of getting some rest.

Miles away Lauren continued to type and erase every sentence she came up with. Y/n clearly got the memo that she didn't want to talk. But that wasn't it instead of simply talking to her like she planned instead she ended up taking a bit of her anger out on the person who didn't deserve it.

If Taylor wouldn't have just kept her mouth shut she wouldn't be in this mess. Tears of frustration filled Laurens eyes as she realized the endless possibilities of how this could have been avoided.
It began with her parents asking her to go grocery shopping in the morning and to take her brother and sister along with her.

"Mija if you don't mind, I need you to take Chris and Taylor to the store with you tomorrow, the list is pretty long." Her mom chuckled.

Lauren restrained herself from frowning and glanced at the list her mother was holding out too her. "Actually I'm going somewhere tomorrow mom and I won't be back until the barbecue starts." She kept out the details of where she was going and who she would be with. Unfortunately her parents noticed.

"Where are you going?" Her father asked with his eyebrow raised.

Lauren kept her expression indifferent. "Out for breakfast with an old friend." She shrugged. She was shocked with herself for remaining so calm but didn't allow it to show.

"Oh alright, have fun."

"Oh no wait a minute." Taylor bumped in. "So just like that she's off the hook?" Lauren rolled her eyes and looked at the wall to keep herself from glowering at her sister.

"Lauren already made plans sweetheart, she's still coming too the barbecue." Clara pointed her fork at Taylor with a knowing look of what her youngest daughter was getting at. "You wanted to go too your friends house and not come back until the next day."

Taylor scoffed while Lauren internally cheered. Chris simply went wide eyed waiting for the actual argument to begin. An evil smirk formed on Taylor's face as she made direct eye contact with Lauren.

"Who are you going with Lauren?" Devil Norma could pop out of her head and Lauren wouldn't be shocked in the slightest.

Lauren froze up, glancing around as the only person that seemed to not be looking at her was Chris. Noticing this, she slapped his leg underneath the table. Chris inhaled the rest of his plate and stood too his feet as he grabbed everyone else's dish.

"That isn't any of our business." He shrugged, walking away to place the plates in the sink.

"Exactly." Mike agreed even though he wanted to know just as bad as Taylor did.

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